Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

She needs to be brought up before the Covid Nuremberg commission.

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You don’t do exaggerated sarcasm very well and it only serves to highlight the weakness of your position, and is also deliciously ironic, given your actual tendency to call people Nazis (as well as communists of course, and everything else!). :grinning:

Talk Radio is a right wing culture war outlet, it’s basically Radio Hard Brexit, and pretty much only platforms views which accords with the money behind it, ie. Rupert Murdoch - very like Fox - as you know full well.

But there you have a heath professional publicly questioning the vaccinate children campaign. Should she be silenced and cancelled in your opinion? Maybe even fired? Are any of the points she raises worth debate?

You’re doing that straw man thing you do again. While being a straw man.

You’re also doing that thing a lot of right-wing culture warriors do, where they outsource opinion in the name of “JAQing off” (I’m sure you know what it means).

Can you tell me how the US vaccination programme for 12 and up is going? As in, is it proving safe?

Deflection and cowardly. Did you listen to the interview, it’s only 7 minutes. Either this doctor is a danger to society as you argue or she is not. Should she be silenced and cancelled for arguing against vaccination for healthy children?

Do you approve of mandatory vaccination for children?

By the way, a quick background check on that GP that was interviewed would strongly suggest she’s as mad as a box of frogs and is indeed well down the right wing culture war rabbit hole. Her Twitter is festooned with retweets of the pound shop Farage Laurence Fox and anti-vax nutter Emma Kenny, as well as culture war nonsense from the Daily Telegraph.

So, obviously she’s somebody you take seriously.

People with a brain, not so much.

The obligatory character assassination, Alinsky would be proud.

Working ourselves hard on HI, interesting piece

I suppose we should check out her silly ‘risk of myocarditis’ claim. If it’s false she’s spreading misinformation, f it’s true she ought to be struck off, or shot.

I think the radio station that platforms cranks like her should be properly regulated to ensure they aren’t a propaganda station.

Ofcom are neither capable nor want to enforce such regulation, which is hardly a surprise given the current UK Government.

As it is, I think such obvious idiots should be ignored.

Although, as your presence on this forum proves, it can often be hard to do that!

I don’t know. But I would strongly encourage parents to get their children vaccinated where approved.

Would you?

It seems you’re against my free speech and doing that thing right wingers often do where you insist that obvious idiots have their views taken seriously.


No. I would strongly encourage them to get an antibody test for their kids to see if they have had Covid, in which case there is no need to add the further risk of myocarditis. Then I would advise them to talk to their doctor about the relative risks of Covid and the Covid vaccine, most doctors are neutral on this and are not far left ideologies.

It’s interesting that you want conservative media regulated. There’s a serious bang of totalitarianism off that belief, but no surprise there.

You can say what you like, I will continue to rubbish it which is my free speech right. Only one of us is calling for regulation of views and it’s not me.

Is burning at the stake not an option anymore?

Very hard to avoid making martyrs that way

You’re bound to know a few tyrone lads in need of a ticket…ask around for me

Deary me

That’s deeply irresponsible advice.

Oh, I absolutely do, as would anybody sensible. I take the concept of public debate very seriously.

Since you mentioned the Nazis in this conversation, it’s an objective fact that right wing media worldwide are playing the Goebbels game - that of flooding the public debate space with total bullshit. Isn’t it?

Their aim - and Talk Radio in the UK is very much in this vein, is to destroy any sort of sensible public debate in favour of crude reductionist propaganda. Because it sells.

Media ownership will always tend to favour their own bottom line, and given lack of media ownership regulation, media ownership will increasingly tend to favour destruction of regulation. and the peddling of tribal content that creates right wing culture warriors. The so called “marketplace of ideas” is a recipe for stupefied populations.

Of course given that you are one of those people who have been radicalised by that right-wing media bullshit machine, especially Murdoch media, and are a full blown right wing culture warrior, you’re obviously going to support zero regulation.

But such regulation is necessary if you want a society that isn’t destined to eat itself.

It’s a pity she has to go. But his thread seems quite logical, so we’ve no other option

So do you want all media regulation abolished?