Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It isn’t, that’s what any rational sensible person would say. But you are neither rational nor sensible, like all totalitarians.

Should there be a vaccine mandate for postmen? Are the postman’s union in the US far right for opposing vaccine mandates? Are they enemies of the state now like liberals?

The tuned in 15 year olds will make the right decision on their own.

There should be no media regulation unless the media source is breaking the law. You would like selective media banned because you disagree with them politically. CCP ideology basically.

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Surely @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy would know plenty?

You’re the person that continually calls others Nazis and communists and everything else under the sun.

Nobody rational and sensible considers you rational and sensible.

Yes there should be a mandate. If the postman’s union are opposing it, they’re wrong. This is a matter of public health and a basic functioning society.

Biden is dead right to be enforcing this stuff. The time for being nice is over.

We’ve seen where what you want leads to. Texas and Florida now. Which are, to remind you one more time, utter disasters.

Do you think there should be a mandate for, say, grocery delivery drivers to be vaccinated and masked? I do.

I absolutely do.

I’ve already enquired

You want no media regulation. Figures. That means you want the end of all public service broadcasting and journalism and the public debate space to be a disinformation hellhole controlled by the likes of Murdoch and those to the right of him.

Libertarianism is always, always, always the charter of the bully.

The thought that a 15 year old could make a decision about what does or doesn’t go into their body really bothers you eh?
There are many 15 year olds capable of making an informed decision, I don’t know why you are so certain that it isn’t true

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Put up a poll there. I would say 90% of TFK regard me as rational and sensible, and being kind here 90% regard you as the opposite.

In the real world everyone I know personally regards me as highly rational and quite sensible.


You could always drive down and stand outside Quinn’s. You might make a dacent £ or 2 for it

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15 year olds should listen to their parents. Yes, as already stated most 15 year olds are clueless and rely on their parents for pretty much everything at that stage in life. Seems to bother you a lot that I’d say they should listen to their parents and not their teacher.

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Most posters on TFK, well certainly any ones who would place any credence on your views, are not sensible and rational. They are deeply unhappy middle aged men whose only joy in life comes from bitching at people who are younger, happier and more well adjusted than they are, especially women and especially non-white women.

There’s a word for that. Gammon.

You don’t live in the real world. You live in Murdochland.

How would that work?

Insane post. You are the one calling for media regulation. I support public broadcasting and contribute to KQED here locally which is a fantastic and unbiased media source.

Are you a non-white woman? Welcome, we don’t have enough women let alone non white women on here.

You’re backtracking now.

Just like you’d be selling a heifer* or bullock* at the sales. Parade your wares and wait for a bid.

  • technical terms which may not be accurate

That’s hardly a surprise with the anti-woke cult around here. And again in this latest post you do a good job of showing how anti-woke is a cult, by using “non-white woman” as a term of ridicule and derision.

George Lee is back to reporting on rubbish on the six one.

Its done


Wouldn’t it be immoral?