Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Scotland has 68.9% of its population fully vaccinated. Ireland has 71.0%.

Scotland is currently snowed under with cases. and has been up around the 6-7k mark for weeks now. Scotland has 5.4 million people, Ireland 5.0 million.

What is the logical basis to say that Ireland will not experience the same type of surge as Scotland?

Don’t move the goal posts. Use 90%. Children shouldn’t be in pubs.

Its done

FFS! I thought you were a Derry man! There’s nothing immoral in making a usurious profit from a Tyrone man.

I’m not the one who’s repeating it over and over :grinning:
Seems to be a real problem for you though

I’ll just ignore it from now on, you carry on :+1:
My 15 year old is well able to decide for herself, I’m sure her parents have had an influence.
I’ve already said that I’d never tell a kid in school to get a vaccine, although I wouldn’t be dealing with 15 year olds

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If you could answer the question that would be great.

Anybody else can feel free to have a go too.

As far as I can see, there is no logical basis to believe Ireland won’t suffer a similar surge to Scotland.

Similar populations, similar vaccination rates, similar everything, the only differences are that Ireland was slower in reopening and that the schools in Ireland went back later in the year.

Whatever man!

Ireland has less than 1 Covid death a day yet you don’t want kids to go to school and you want businesses kept closed. Even though kids have not been in school for most of the past year and businesses have been kept closed for most of the last 18 months.

And you claim to be rational and sensible.


There was a nice piece on RTE News yesterday asking school kids whether they’d prefer to be in school or at home and they all said they preferred being in school, mostly for social reasons

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Again you’ve moved the goal post. First kids were stealth bombers then they never spread it and schools were okay. Now they have to be vaccinated as they are spreading it.

First vaccines were only for adults and children shouldn’t get it.

It was a target of 80% of the adult population to be vaccinated. We smashed that and now your saying we only have 70% as your counting kids now.

Its ridiculous the hoops you’re jumping through.

So to compare Ireland to Scotland we are way better off and in a better position. Yet we are the only country where there is an orgie for misery played out by the media. Thenworld has moved on. Anyone who got off this island in the last few months can confirm this.


Auld Gerry “Lock the borders for two years” Killeen probably noticed the same when he got to Tanzania :smiley:


How the fuck am I going to make a profit when I don’t have any tickets to sell?

Another surge prediction. Brilliant. That’s four now in last four months. None of them materialised.

He’s a loon. He likes to stay at home all day. Covid normalised that behaviour so of course he has embraced it.


You’ve done that oul clever cunt thing again, haven’t you. Got me so that that I don’t know a fuck what you’re talking about!

I just find it amusing to promise Tyrone lads tickets.

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Where did I say I didn’t want kids to go to school? Use quotes please.

Where did I say I want businesses kept closed? Use quotes please.

You won’t because you’re just making stuff up, as usual.

Now, the question - which you didn’t answer despite addressing your reply to the post which contained it, was the following:

What is the logical reason that Ireland would not have a similar surge to Scotland?

We have similar vaccination rates, similar populations, similar everything.

It would appear, given your little rant above, that you think there is a logical reason why Ireland would not see a similar surge to Scotland. If so, what is it?

Bear in mind that you have been pointing to what has been happening in Israel recently (daily cases reaching 12k and daily deaths going above 50 in a population of 9 million) as a reason for worry.

So it looks like you hold two simultaneous beliefs which directly contradict each other, and which are fundamentally incompatible.

Also, it seems that 18 months into the pandemic you still have no less a handle on the concept of exponential growth than you did at the start of it.

Which is very funny.

You’re a peculiar creature


What are you on about?

I asked you a simple question. You haven’t answered.

Yes they did.

You’re living in an alternate reality.

Because of that, I’ll do the e-version of that Kevin Bridges joke about being confronted by the local oddball in the pub, and just tap you on the shoulder sympathetically and say “have a good night, mate”.

Where are Denmark on vaccination? How are they getting on with cases?

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