Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Ireland could see a similar surge in cases to Scotland. Predicting surges is your thing although you should consider giving it up, given your record.

Another surge in cases in Ireland is not a reason to not do what the UK has done and open up businesses and schools.

What is it you think Ireland should be doing to avoid a surge like Scotland?

I asked what, if any, is the logical reason Ireland would not see a similar surge to Scotland.

In your previous post you strongly implied there was such a reason.

Are you saying there is a logical reason? Yes or No?

If Yes, what is it?

Fairly similar to Irelandā€™s rates Iā€™d say?

And your point is?

Open it up to fuck and no more about it.


Get Brexit done.

But I didnā€™t say Ireland would not have a surge like Scotland, it may well either near term or longer term. I think there will be a lot of cases this winter even with a high vaccination rate as immunity wears off.

But the important thing as always is hospitalizations/ICU, thatā€™s the metric worth tracking. How is Scotland doing in this regard? Are their hospitals overwhelmed with sick Covid patients?

We either learn to live with this virus or we donā€™t.

I prefer the first option pal.

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Heā€™ll have to explain his acrophobia then.

And his fear of open spaces.

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If Denmark are pretty much the exact same as us with vaccination rates why are they doing so much better on cases? Especially when they relaxed all their restrictions much faster than us. Itā€™s almost like our approach of maintaining more restrictions for longer has had no benefit at all.

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So if you werenā€™t saying Ireland wouldnā€™t have a surge like Scotland, what was the point of your interjection?

Sounding off?

Probably because they donā€™t share an open land border with the UK. Why you consistently deny that this is a factor in Covid spread in the Republic?

I mean the list of counties with the highest numbers should be a clue. Donegal, Monaghan, Cavan.

How is that surge you called four times already.

We must be due one soon. As will those right wing lads in Denmark.

Iā€™ll take this one for my pal @Cheasty , weā€™re 90% fully vaccinated now.

All restrictions even for the lads under the bed should be gone now.

To @Horsebox point earlier. Donā€™t wear the mask going to the jacks.

Its bullshit. You know it and just brave it out. No one in a pub or restaurant is going to say anything to you.


Slogans. As usual.

No we arenā€™t.

Even the Australians and Singaporeans have come to this conclusion in recent weeks. The only ZeroCovid holdouts are the communists in Independent SAGE and the nutters that follow them on Twitter.

Dangerous fuckers who are destroying the development of children, both mentally and in terms of their immune systems. At the same time they are surprised that more children are getting sick with Covid even though theyā€™ve been locked in their rooms with no contact with other kids for 18 months. And the mad fuckers want to keep it going indefinitely.


He suffers from ergophobia.

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71% actually pal.

Pointing out that there is no basis for your support of ongoing restrictions in Ireland, as it is based on nothing.

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