Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You canā€™t be counting kids under 12 are you?

If you truly believe or even suspect the Doomsday theories you have been prophesising in recent weeks are true, it would seem crazy for you not to believe in full on Zero Covid, and I mean full on Wuhan January-February 2020 style lockdowns for the world.

Wouldnā€™t it?

You havenā€™t a clue what I believe. What do I believe? Flesh things out, there. Give us a comprehensive list of what I believe.

I donā€™t have time for therapy today pal.

Ah yeah, sure they arenā€™t actual human beings. Were you one of the anti-abortion loonies?

Try Troublegum.

Iā€™m not going to change your view and you wonā€™t be changing mine pal.

Lets leave it at that.

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Why would you not count children under 12? Or under 18?

ā€œProbablyā€. Real scientific. Iā€™d say it has more to do with those counties not giving much of a fuck, but thatā€™s based on as much about as much evidence as your opinion.

Tell you what, say youā€™re correct. Does it not show that the restrictions we have maintained are pointless? Denmark has removed them long before us and hasnā€™t experienced a surge. If, as you say, our rates are because of the UK (blame the foreigners), then the restrictions we maintain or donā€™t are meaningless anyway.

Iā€™ve said for a long time we have focused our attention on the wrong areas throughout this pandemic. Weā€™re still doing it.

Weā€™re still locking up people in MHQ despite having the highest covid rates in Europe. Bizarre. typical paddy exceptionalism at best, stupidity and stubbornness certainly, outright racism at worst. All to placate the zero covid headbangers who got a bit of a run on the government a few a months ago.


I did a Google, I presume itā€™s based on population.

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Under 12s down to new born babies are not at risk of serious illness or death via covid pal.

I think most rational people who disagree with you on that one are on the ball.

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That has nothing to do with vaccination rate statistics.

They should have to pay for their ICU visit if they refuse the jab. No exceptions.


The only doomsday scenario that is possible but unlikely is the emergence of an ADE disease due to the vaccination campaign. Itā€™s been rejected by the same people that said Covid couldnā€™t spread person to person, that there was no need to wear a mask, that there should be no travel restrictions or border closures, that transmission was not airborne, etc. etc. In other words wrong at every turn yet you insist on believing them.

If Covid continues on as it is then there is nothing significant to worry about, there will be more variants and the main risk is vaccine evading variants, but not much risk of a repeat of April 2020 or January 2021, imho of course.

Says the man that would fight tooth and nail for free water.

Iā€™ve a very good VHI package anyway.

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So should binge drinkers, especially on stags.

Free water? Thereā€™s no such thing.

Correct. And done.

Smokers as well.

Were you not up in arms and organising water charge protests a few years ago?

I donā€™t get your angle on the unvaxxxed having to pay for medical treatment if they get sick.