Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

59 children have died from Covid in Texas alone and one in eight younger children who get Covid gets Long Covid. They are also a significant risk of spread, so it matters to all ages, especially the most vulnerable age groups.

What you are suggesting is a mass experiment on our children with a novel virus.

Thatā€™s unconscionable.

What are you on about you nutter? :joy::joy::joy:


What have I got wrong?

Simple question in fairness. :joy:

Iā€™m splitting hairs here but a heap of kids wearing masks is also an experiment

In what way?

Iā€™m sorry pal. But, we need context for those very unfortunate deaths,

Did any of those misfortunate kids have underlying illnesses?

Have kids worn masks before?

I donā€™t know.

Why should it matter?

Are children with underlying illnesses somehow of less intrinsic worth?

Why do you think so many kids are getting seriously ill now when they were not in early 2020? Given there is no evidence that Delta inherently causes any more serious disease than prior variants. Why are kids getting so sick now when in early 2020 they were fighting off Covid easily?

Iā€™ll give you a clue, thereā€™s a huge outbreak of RSV in Texas as well and itā€™s a far more serious disease than Covid for infants especially.

You think children wearing masks is comparable in terms of gravity to millions of children getting Covid?

A mask is a slight inconvenience.

Covid is a potential killer and certainly a significant potential to cause long term illness.

Iā€™m in Cork for the weekend city rocking earlier pubs and restaurants packed inside and outside wedding in full swing at the hotel here bar busy as well itā€™s done people have moved on and are embracing living again itā€™s beautiful to see


Antigen tests, MHQ, travel restrictions, we could be zero, etc etc.

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Thatā€™s not an answer. I already told you my views on antigen tests. Read them again, theyā€™re very sensible.

Thereā€™s such varying attitudes to COVID now. Most people donā€™t give a fuck but will wear a mask where necessary but concede they are not worth a damn.

There are some who have abandoned masks as much as possible (like myself) but then there is a very weird cohort that are masking even more than ever. A man I know quiet well from a neighbouring parish had his 3 year old masked up today, it was great to see two opposite behaviours of the covid debate discussing will it be Mayo or Tyrone tomorrow evening.

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@Cheasty , Iā€™m going to say something serious, which is that I think you should start a pro-lockdown twitter account. Just put about 25% of the effort into it that you out into this place. Throw up stats about the Scottish surge, 58 kids dead in Texas, etc. Frighten the shit of everyone. Start a few feuds with OIUTFers. Iā€™d honestly say in a few months youā€™d have close to 10,000 bedwetter followers. That wee cunt Cares Too Much or whatever he was called was seriously famous. You could be as big as him. Then youā€™d have to work out a way to monetise your success. CaresTooMuch got the idea of just PMing his followers begging fir money. Maybe you could come up with a better business plan than that. But get the followers first.

Iā€™m completely serious, I think youā€™d eventually do well. So far your journalism career has been a complete failure AFAIK. The tectonic plates of the ā€œprofessionā€ are now shifting in favour of characters like you but you just wonā€™t do it. At least thereā€™d be more point to that than shouting into the void around here, where everyone is sick of your shite.


You were wrong. I listed four things you were wrong about. Selectively replying as usual when youā€™ve no response.

Iā€™ve never had a journalism career, mate.

Iā€™ll take your view that everybody is sick of me as a compliment.

You listed a load of words. You didnā€™t say why I was wrong.

You canā€™t. You just donā€™t like my opinions, because theyā€™re grounded in reality.

Bumped for @Cheasty.