Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The concept of MHQ is a very sensible one. As you admitted when you backtracked and demanded to know why we were allowing Delta in from the UK (proximity, remember, which you have now backtracked on) after you had earlier ridiculed the threat of Delta.

You had the exact same view of the UK as Boris Johnson did about India.

Except you were much slower to change your view.

You could be very successful on twitter

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I already run the very successful @HBV account.

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Aside from your complete ignorance of how an MHQ system works and your happiness for those operating it to encounter every variant imaginable in the course of their day, would you agree with how MHQ was implemented in Ireland?

It’s a yes or no, FYI

MHQ should have been implemented across the board, and from the start.

Calling somebody who clamped you royally on the very subject you’re supposed to be an expert “completely ignorant” on seems very bitter. And very projectile.

You were and still are very happy for everybody in the country to experience every variant imaginable.

And all because you’re too lazy to do your job.

I do my job mate. I follow the law. As for your clamped point I’ve no idea what you are on about but sure I’m sure you can enlighten me on the airport, the same one you told me no truck drivers use.
Aside from the incredibly racist and right wing tone of your “lock everyone up regardless” sentiment, what would you do with me? Should I have been locked up too? Like if I got the delta variant, what about me? What about my girlfriend? What about her father who was terminally ill? Should we be locked up for a whim of yours that proved useless in the end as MHQ was a total failure?


Cases don’t matter a shit if the vaccine works. If the vaccine doesn’t work than the anti vaxxers are right.

Please explain how MHQ could work between the 6 counties and ROI?

This is the most childish pandemic never to infect children

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What about people who eat themselves into diabetes and heart disease? They’ve behaved that way voluntarily. Should they have to pay for hospital treatment without exception? You mong.

71% of 101% to be correct. You have to include the people who have died and been born in the last 6 months too

Deary me. Not wanting thousands of people to die is now “racist”.

When you and others have to descend to this pathetic, low down excuse for an “argument” you’ve lost the right to be taken seriously.

Ironically this narrative was invented by racists desperate to “whitewash” themselves.

Well what do you think you should have done?

Were you proposing isolation facilities be provided so that if you or others like you needed them, they should be there?

Or was your only idea that you should spread it to all and sundry, including the terminally ill?

You seem to be unable to comprehend anything that isn’t “the vaccine works 100%” or “the vaccine is completely useless”.

Awkward one for the tuned in 15 year olds and teachers telling them to ignore their parents

You have a serious education behind you pal, don’t let it go to waste.

Sometimes you need to take a step back. Very little is won on an internet forum.

Serious Internetting going on tonight over what is a potentially deadly disease depending on your health pre infection. A disease that we have ground breaking vaccine technology that 90% of orosh adult have in them. Yet we are still under restrictions and arguing about it.

Imagine the chaos when we are hit by a solar flare. All electronics in the world fried. Global supply chains ruined and people starving. Worst of all we will not be able to disagree on the Internet


So under the bed 4 life

That study is a load of shit but it accords with your anti-vaccine biases, so you’ve decided to buy into it.


We’re back baby