Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I know you hate lads who don’t answer questions so what would you have done with me? I didnt propose anything as I have a reasonable approach to borders and how they should operate. It’s kinda my job.

Am I expendable? Like the guards, hotel staff, army, bus-drivers etc? You are happy to ask for this shot but you don’t care about those of us who have to do it. If these variants are so dangerous i am in serious danger every day.

Then you have the gall to call me a racist when the last time you saw an Afghan was on the news. I help them every night at work but you sit at home and call me a racist. You are everything that is wrong with the world. A stupid, ignorant, racist prick who will send others into a dangerous situation so so can feel safe at home.


Why would I when my views are driving the loons round the bend?

Yis aren’t used to this sort of stuff.

Never good to be in an echo chamber.

I didn’t call you a racist. I said you’re happy to buy into a narrative created by racists.

You on the other hand categorically have called me a racist merely for pointing out that you’ve bought into a narrative created by racists.

You’re a very strange fellow.

I know your form, you’re a far left weirdo that can’t abide anything against your deranged world view. As if you know anything about medical studies, lolz.

Maybe try leave your house this weekend.


Avoiding the question again. Because the answer is plain…and it makes you look stupid.

“Better tha nothing” I believe was your view on Ireland’s MHQ. I suppose you think without it we’d be even covidier.


You tried to close down tfk.

I’m calling you a racist and I’m happy with that. You wanted Indians locked up coming here. You are a racist

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This fellow knows plenty about the subject.

The “study” is not even a study. It’s a load of figures cogged from VAERS, which is completely abused by anti-vaxxers.

It’s propaganda.

Of course it was better than nothing. But it should have been better than it was. I’ve always said that.

You on the other hand dismissed Delta and after the fact were apoplectic that Ireland had been doing the exact thing you wanted - letting people in from Britain free as a birdie.

@Batigol suppose I was to head for a flight out of your airport, I usually get there very early because I love having a few pints and watching the commotion…especially if it’s an early morning flight. Anyhow, what if I just stayed at the bar and missed the flight? How long could I pint away in departures before I get thrown out…indefinitely?
I’m like an excited child when it comes to travelling, an inebriated one right enough.

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The drugs don’t work, mate.

Not the ones you’re taking, anyway.

It wasn’t. That’s been proven so.

To take you back to my original question, which you avoided, you agree that it’s a farce now, right?

That would make you a very silly person, but you didn’t have to tell me that. It’s been obvious for a long time.

I didn’t call you a racist but I think it’s obvious you have much greater inclinations that way than I do given you’re prepared to buy into genuinely disgusting narratives created by racists.

Jesus wept, I just read that - that was the best you could muster? Tldr, some doctor; I don’t really agree with that study, fin.

The irony of the covid fanatic crowd saying some other disease is being over counted :smiley:

You need to get out of the house. Contribute something to the real world, maskless.

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No of course it was.

No. Just for the fact it’s pissing you and the lazy shit who works in the airport off royally, it’s clearly doing something right.

What very much is a farce is you dismissing Delta and then blaming others for what you were in favour of.

Personal responsibility, eh.

The best you could muster was some propaganda pre-print by a nut.

I’d advise that should you ever leave the house you wear a mask. Not for reasons Covid, just so that other people won’t have to suffer looking at your miserable face.

Ok great. When shown up to be wrong you revert to a position based on “winding up the lads on the internet.”

How’s that for an argument.

Good one dumb dumb. Good luck and thanks.

Sure all you’ve had since I started posting here have been wind ups. Your posts have been embarrassingly bad. For somebody who I know is not stupid, it’s been quite the lesson in how seductive easy answers can be.

It’s so easy trigger the lads full of hate.


You’d have thought a Trumpbot would be fully supportive of the concept of people having to pay for ICU visits. While unconscious. And if they don’t pay, they die.