Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

In my view if youā€™re healthy and under 40 - Corornavirus is no threat to life.

Its well established natural immunity is far superior and Iā€™d go along with that.

Saying that, Iā€™d rather not get it and having not done so for 19 months - Iā€™m doing something right.

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The data isnt there mate. If efficacy wanes after 5 or 6 months which is what seems to be happening in Israel (who are ahead of us on the rollout), Is it really our path to freedom which we were told it was back in February?

Maybe the 3rd jab will do the trick.

The data is there, even in Israel.

You said that it doesnā€™t stop transmission, the data shows it does. Stop it.

For awhile maybeā€¦time will tell. I sincerely hope they do prevent serious illness and death as we go into winter.

Are all of the below unvaxxed Tim?

Vaccination does not stop transmission, it reduces it as those exposed carry a lower load of virus. If it stopped transmission then people who are vaccinated would not be getting infected, and clearly they are. What the vaccine does is prevent serious illness and death in almost 100% of cases.

Obviously itā€™s a moving target but the current estimates are that vaccination cuts transmission by about 60% so roughly for an unvaccinated population R is ~ 6 and for a vaccinated population itā€™s ~ 2-3.

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Considering the list of symptoms parent are giving to say not to send a child to school with. Its understandable parents want children tested and prove they donā€™t have covid to get them back to school. Itā€™s a cluster fuck of communication. Hopefully itā€™ll be cleared up

I see Joe in Letterkenny (your man in the video removed from hospital by the DoloresCahill crowd, as the doctor pleaded with him to stay) had to be rushed back in and is on a ventilator

While you may be fit and healthy you can pass it on to someone who may not be as fortunate but maybe you donā€™t care about others.

The reason you havenā€™t got the virus is largely because of the restrictions which you likely complained about and the introduction of the vaccine which you also seem to have a problem with.

Natural immunity involves getting the virus so better make up your mind if you want to get the virus or not.


Antonio is stone mad for speed

Heā€™s stone mad for fascism too. Who could have guessed.

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These lads in effect are insisting on the right to infect others.


It would appear that Joe McCarron was taken out of Letterkenny hospital on Sunday but is now back there and is not good.

Whats the recovery rate again Mike - 99.97% or thereabouts I think,

Thankfully this virus isnt as bad as we were told when the bodies were piling up on the street in Lombardy in March 2020,

You and yours are fully vaxxed I presume so whats your problem with my view?

Iā€™ve never had covid whilst thousands of people every day continuously test positive even after being vaxxed. Are they not washing their hands properly or something?

My position should not bother you so much really.


No it isnā€™t.

Is there anything else youā€™d like them to do? Would like a winning lottery ticket as well? And for covid to magically go away?

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Iā€™d love if they didnā€™t have significant side effects. It would be great if they were properly tested before being rolled out to the population down to 12 years of age too.

But, thats just my opinion.

Iā€™d love to see a proper analysis done on the risk/return for these jabs on young people from 12-40 with no underlying illnesses too.

We are not dealing with the Spanish flu or Ebola here.

Most of all though, Iā€™d love if they were proven to work over this winter. That is going to be the acid test.

Thatā€™s not data supporting your assertion.

Yes it cuts transmission, youā€™ve wasted two paragraphs there. Please read the thread.

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You came on moaning about a vaccine that you appear to know very little about.

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He can read this again, so.