Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Iā€™ve read the thread. The vaccines reduce transmission, by roughly half. There are a lot of idiots who believe it stops transmission, as in someone vaccinated cannot get infected or infect others. Transmission is mainly based on behavior, so vaccinated or unvaccinated if you are careless and ignore social distancing you have a much higher chance of getting infected and infected others than someone who is careful.

Youā€™ve again wasted a paragraph. The vaccines do cut transmission, those are the facts.

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Long term safety for a new medical product? That piece in a few years time would have a bit more weight to it.

Iā€™m betting on the aul immune system. Its around longer and should see me through hopefully :grinning:

Youā€™re in your 30s right pal? Your recovery rate isnā€™t too far wrong as you quoted.

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The facts are there are idiots who believe being vaccinated means you cannot get infected and cannot infect others. Most likely from reading that vaccines stop transmission which they may interpret as ā€œstoppingā€ transmission. Stick to statistics, Tim as know absolutely nothing of the science involved.

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So the other lads are also insisting on the right to infect half as many others?


Nobody on here has ever said that the vaccine prevents transmission completely


The author of that piece doesnt have skin in the game does he?

I am indeed pal.

And another domino falls for the covid mentallers who want to shut down schools and keep kids at home in the name of their neurosis. Fare thee well long covid, we hardly knew you.


There are some who believe it doesnā€™t stop transmission at all.

We can only estimate the recovery rate as the number of people with no symptoms and never tested is unknown. There are also very few US states or countries that accurately report recoveries. Based on a few US states Iā€™ve looked at the recovery rate appears around 99% which is obviously based on known cases.

Like lads swanning around Europe for weeks?

There are studies out there on IFR that estimate it.

Amazing the idiots that fell for the 1 in 7 report.


Have you read every post on here since December when the vaccines were launched?

Name and shame them Mike.

Your opinion is stupid. Facts that directly contradict your opinion have been pointed out to you, but you believe something else. Thatā€™s the actions of a complete idiot in fairness to you.

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Exactly. @Tierneevin1979 is doing his usual thing of trying to pretend heā€™s in the middle ground but then only having interest in replying to what he perceives as lies or mistruths peddled by one side and allowing the other side free reign