Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

In the practical world is there much difference between an R of 6 (unvaccinated) and an R of 3 (vaccinated)? It likely means you would get infected by an unvaccinated person in half the time as a vaccinated person, so for example sitting at a bar you might have five minutes of safety versus ten. Not taking into account wind direction.

I routinely correct people on both sides of these arguments, you mustnā€™t be reading the thread.

Any lad that is taking the pandemic even half-seriously wouldnā€™t be caught dead in a bar. Theyā€™re at home minding themselves.

Murderers. They may as well have carpet bombed about half of it

Unless you want to get or spread Covid youā€™d want your head examined to go into a bar, vaccinated or not. Those are the facts, but lads like to live in fantasy land.

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They havent really mate. Weā€™re going to have to agree to disagree Iā€™m afraid.

Look I hope the covid vaccines work as well is hoped for all that have taken up the offer.

Iā€™m going to do my own thing though.

You are like a cult member. There are literally no facts that can persuade you of reality.

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Does he have skin in the game @cheasty?

Are you able to honestly answer that after pushing that piece 2 or 3 times on the forum now.

Exhibit A

You believe things that are factually wrong. Itā€™s been pointed out to you. Choosing to believe something thatā€™s wrong is idiotic. By all means make up your own mind, but donā€™t make up facts.

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Do you have evidence that he does? I canā€™t see anything

Someone posting something as fact is the one that should debunk my query mate.

The ball is in @Cheasty corner.

Yep Iā€™ve never seen anyone claim that the vaccine gives everyone 100% protection. Iā€™ve seen one poster claim it does nothing to stop transmission despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Facts and covid arent mutually exclusive though mate.

There are an awful lot of grey areas in fairness.

Just to clarify my view is anyone who wants the vaccine by all means go for it. Elderly and people with underlying illnesses should do what their GP advises.

Iā€™d also say that anyone pulling someone out of a hospital is a lunatic and should face the courts for same. I found that video from Letterkenny to be unbelievable to be honest. As in, how could that even happen.

cc @Cheasty with respect to Mayo in the AI final of 2021

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Did you read the article?

I had a look at who wrote it alright.

Do ye ever just get ā€˜sickā€™ of it all lads? The same auld ding dong every day for two years?!


Iā€™d say thereā€™s another three or fours years to look forward to.

Iā€™ll take that as a no then. As @Cheasty says there is literally nothing that could be said to you or evidence presented that would change your mind so thereā€™s no point.