Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I can’t even take pleasure from mildly winding people up in here it’s gone that stale.

To be fair - if you were excluded from society (restaurants,pubs,cinema etc) for not taking an experimental jab/s , you’d be right in the trenches here. :grinning:

I don’t talk about it to anyone in the real world anymore. There is no point. People have their views and thats it.

What if they’re unlucky enough to have certifiable nutcase Marcus De Brun or that Christian fundie down in Adare Pat Morrissey as their GP?

I must switch to Dr Pat Morrissey actually. Have heard great reports about him as a GP.

Are you able to advise there with regards to that piece you keep posting?

There is no vaccine or pharma conflict of interest there is there?

Genuinely interested.

The architect Orla Hegarty is rightly being called out for spreading disinformation this evening on Twitter. And she’s still peddling that 1 in 7 stat despite being pulled up on it numerous times. She’s unhinged.


I try not to participate in society as best I can but I can’t imagine it’s fun for those excluded… But look, we’ve been over this - the government have to try protect everyone as best they can - they don’t always get it right or how we’d like it… I detest masks and the likes myself… But I gave up wasting energy on it all about 6 months in. It ain’t worth it. I still don’t watch the news or any of the current affairs talk shows. I have the covid to thank for that… Only for TFK I’d have absolutely no idea what’s going on in the world …

I encourage you to try do something similar kid. Take up running or something… get audible … Let all the shit go.

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A minute ago you were telling people to listen to their GP, now you’re saying that it’s smart to switch to an anti-vax GP because your existing one isn’t anti-vax.

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Orla was an obscure NIMBY academic before Covid. Like many others in the ISAG camp she’s clinging to her 15 minutes of fame as an ‘expert’.

Fuck mate. That’s some growth on your shoulder. I’ve got the jab and have only been indoor in a pub once since. It was shit. There’s no wonderful world scenario going on without you. It’s just the world trying to scrape by and doing any little bit possible to get back to normal.
Has your work been affected?

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I was only joking pal.

The author of that piece though, are you able to let the forum know that he doesnt have a conflict of interest?

@the_man_himself is mad to know.

She’s got one of my COTY votes. An awful dose.


Thankfully it hasnt been mate and hopefully it shouldnt be. I couldnt care less to be honest about pubs,restaurants etc but work would be a different story obviously.

Hopefully I should be ok that way. Its hard to know though as the goalposts shift at some rate with this virus.

It’s pretty obvious you think literally anybody who doesn’t buy into your crazy conspiracy nonsense is corrupt.

It’s a coping mechanism for you. Literally everything can be spun by you into reinforcing what you baselessly believe.

While you eat up and regurgitate the utter nonsense spread by some of the worst people in the world.

So you’ve been excluded from a society you’ve no interest in ?and don’t care about But your work is grand? Sounds peachy. Like me getting excluded from a breast cancer survivors group or something I suppose.

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Why arent you able to answer the conflict of interest question @cheasty???

Get stuffed, you troll.

I think you’re giving him a bit too much credit calling him a troll

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

It’s a bit scary to imagine what goes through his brain otherwise.

I don’t think there is any conspiracy with regards to big pharma corporations maximising their profits for their shareholders benefit.

It would surely be preferable for them from a business standpoint to have global booster vaccine rollout every 6 months in an open ended manner.

What is also not a conspiracy is that lads like Andrew the author of that piece you kept shrieking about a few posts above wouldnt have skin in the game with regards to same.

Maybe thats not the case. But your avoidance of the question points to that.