Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It official, Long covid is a total cod, what a surprise that is


In fairness to that ivor Cummins fella he did call this from the start. Post viral syndrom he called it, no big deal for the most part. If luke etc had consulted a medical textbook theyā€™d have known.
(No wonder he has the usual suspects hopping etc)

Great to see the misinformation from @mikehunt exposed.


The world is waking up to the lies

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With this pandemic apparently coming to an end and county hurling some.time away, what are ye cunts going to bicker about instead?

Thatā€™s not what we were discussing.

I donā€™t shout down people who have lost loved ones to Covid.

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You try and use them to score points.

There is nothing to bicker about in county hurling for a couple of years. The NOGRA crowd and the Carkies can chip away a bit but weā€™ll indulge them.


Barbecue etiquette

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stock on fire too


Youā€™re accusing the dad of trying to score points?

Nope. You.

There might be a lurker here who is persuaded to get the jab thanks to Mikeā€™s post.

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He went on the radio and told his story. Itā€™s on the BBC website. Youā€™re annoyed with the messenger, the message and the victims.


If they are obese they should.

If not they are idiots to be listening to halfwit like Mike.

Iā€™m not annoyed at him whatsoever.

I think itā€™s cynical that you use peopleā€™s grief to promote your agenda, which you donā€™t even understand.

Hereā€™s a salutary tale.

38 year old. Ex-professional footballer still involved as manager in sport. Fit.

Got Covid in Nov 2020 but fairly mild dose. Not an anti-vaxxer but was busy and didnā€™t prioritise getting vacced. Contracted Covid again in July 2021. This time he almost died.
Fortunately he survived (see? no glee) but he had a horrendous time.

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You are disgusting. You WANTED that man to die. :wink:


You want me to find a story of a fit and healthy person who got the vaccine and nearly died?

Is that what you want to go down on, stories of subjective bias with peopleā€™s grief used as the vehicle to support your agenda?

I look at the data.


130,246 cases of Covid 19 in under 40s. 12 deaths.

Further context:

The 12 deaths are just arbitrarily recorded regardless of whether Covid was the cause of the death are not provided:

  • the person who died tested positive for Covid 19 28 days prior to their death
  • the doctor suspected they might have had Covid and it might have played a role

It does not take into consideration whether they had an underlying health condition, whether they were dying in a hospice with terminal cancer, whether they were obese or anything further than that.

That is all absolutely cast iron truth but you go using peopleā€™s grief as a vehicle to pedal your agenda.