Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

He is an outlier in fairness. It’s rarer to get even sicker the second time out, let alone being reinfected. Still should be getting one dose though, that’s what most of the experts are saying now if you have a prior infection.

Yeah that’s true. He does say that the second time it was the Delta variant. But the point I’ve been making which is being ignored by @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is that the people most likely to get very sick or die from Covid are the unvaccinated. So from a purely selfish point of view vaccination is a good option.
From a “looking out for your fellow man” perspective it is also a good option because not only does it reduce the chance of illness but also reduces the chance of transmitting the virus to somebody else.
But some people prefer to use data sets to justify their selfishness in putting vulnerable people at risk (even if those people are obese they don’t deserve to be infected with a possibly deadly virus)


And at the end of the day isn’t that all that matters

Post a link to your “data” like a good lad.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy believes the vaccine does not stop transmission. He looks at the “data” don’t you know.


More likely to get sick.

There have been 12 deaths in 130k cases in the north in the u40 age category. These people by and large have underlying health conditions.

You seem to be trying to shame and coerce everyone into getting a vaccine when the data is quite clear in the people Covid is a threat to and those it is of minimum threat to.

I could go along and trawl the net for articles on people who died or got seriously ill from the vaccine, please be aware it takes a coroner 5 months to rule the vaccine as the cause of death while all a Covid death needs is a positive test result within 28 days.

Unsurprisingly you have ignored that and still refuse to discuss it

I look at the data Mike.

You don’t. Anything that requires intelligence, comprehension and articulating informed observations threatens your limitations.



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Wrong. I commented on the 5 month delay earlier in this thread. I have also commented on the 28 day thing but that may have been a different thread .

Why don’t you care about the people (even if they do have underlying health conditions) who get infected by unvaccinated spreaders?

Put up a link.

I do wonder if he was really infected in November or did he have the sniffles and assume that was Covid. Makes it sound better that he didn’t get vaccinated.

What did you say on the 5 month delay.

Did you acknowledge that a 5 month wait for a coroner to judge the vaccine the cause of death is mad when all it takes is chalking a death down to Covid due to a positive test result 28 days later - regardless of whether Covid was the cause of death.

And that’s even before we start about misinformation spread by the vaccine fascists.

Regardless of opinion on restrictions and various factors of covid, can we agree in the aftermath of covid society needs to accept a few points

Vaccines work, the overall effectiveness of the covid vaccine is debatable but it has significantly reduced the risk. Overall anti vaxxers are the single biggest risk to public health for all illnesses we have Vaccines for.

Overall people need to look after their health better. Obesity is a massive risk factor in many diseases

Better diet and lifestyle choices need to be prioritised to reduce the strain on healthcare systems

Misinformation is rampant on all sides causing a massive fracture on society.

Fuck it we are living in the most peaceful and safest time in human history. Let’s enjoy life and not be at each others throats.


That’s one I can certainly get my friendship bracelet in a twist over.

I didn’t say mad but it is unacceptable and the Covid deaths do need to be better delineated. Defining a death as due to Covid because there’s been a positive within 28 days is just stupidly handing a big stick to the Covid deniers.

Again with the fascist slur. What misinformation? That the vaccine helps protect against illness and reduces transmission? Surely that’s all you need to know.

It’s not a slur.

It’s fact. My position here is let people decide, my view is that the vaccine has many benefits for certain sections of society than are at risk from Covid and has minimal benefits for certain sections of society who are not at risk of the virus. I ask that people are allowed make informed personal decisions on their vaccination status.

We have a very polarised debate, we have anti-vaxx nuts and we have vaccine fascists. I’m in the middle ground here, whether people get the vaccine or don’t doesn’t bother me, I’ll make an informed decision on whether I should get.

You on the other hand are a vaccine fascist who wishes to force your will on everyone else, you’re every bit as bad as the anti-vaxx nuts you rage against.

I’m not the one raging and calling people fascists because they disagree with me.

And there’s your problem. Your view is totally based on the benefits to individuals. You have taken up the “no such thing as Society” position that Margaret Thatcher once espoused.

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But you are a vaccine fascist.

Go look up the definition of fascist if you don’t get it. You are the on who is intolerant to another person’s view bein accepted. You are the one who wants to shame, coerce and discriminate against those who don’t have the same opinion as you on vaccines.

It’s a personal decision, you want to impose or coerce people into doing something that they are not comfortable with, something that will have little benefit to them and something we can’t quantify what sort of risks it could turn up.

Shaming, coercing or discriminating against people to do things against their will is the founding block of fascism. You need to rethink your stance if you have a problem with being called a fascist.

Mate, when you find yourself on the same ground as Maggie Thatcher maybe you need to look at where you’re standing.

You’re the fascist here.

You’re the wanting to use the arms of shame, coercion and discrimination for people to fall in line with other your views. You’re the intolerant one. It’s the height of irony for you to be comparing anyone to Margaret Thatcher.