Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

No, pal. Iā€™m not the one denying the existence of society, or denying my responsibilities to my family, friends, neighbours - thatā€™s you. You stand shoulder to shoulder with Maggie Thatcher and display definite psychopathic tendencies much like her too.

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I bet the Nazis used to say that too. As long as you can acknowledge you are trying use tactics of coercion, shame and discrimination to get people in line with your own view, itā€™s a start I suppose.

If someone dies related to consequences of the vaccine, how does your conscience deal with that? Youā€™re the one using underhand tactics to coerce people into doing something they might feel comfortable doing. Iā€™m on the opposite spectrum, I believe that people have the right to make informed decisions, I want to leave it up to them to do what they feel comfortable with and make informed choices free of intimidation or coercion.

Yet intimidation and coercion are key for you to get people thinking in line with you. Thatā€™s why you are a vaccine fascist.

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The Catholic conservative pro-lifer calling someone a fascist :smiley:


Indeed. Heā€™s well acquainted with

And yet

Not the case when it comes to women.

I think we can agree on that.

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Shouting down a bereaved husband who lost their wife to Covid because they werrenā€™t vaccinated is the actions of a fascist.

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Not when it comes to terminating the lives of the unborn.

But not surprising to see youā€™re pro murder.

Iā€™m shouting nobody down.

I have no problem with him speaking. I do have an issue with you cynically using grief to pedal your agenda.

By your own definition youā€™re a fascist. Shouting people down who donā€™t agree with your uninformed opinions.


Iā€™m not shouting people down.

Iā€™ve substantiated everything Iā€™ve said with data. You enter into debates in bad faith and rely on his hysterics and subjective bias. Iā€™ve offered data from governmental departments to support my position. You have offered zero substance. Youā€™re a coward.

Second time today youā€™ve posted this so I have to assume you meant to post it.

Itā€™s should be peddle your agenda so, on your bike pal.


Oh dear.


Your opinion, in other words. I just came across this which you might find interesting:

Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledgeā€¦ is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in anotherā€™s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.

Ironically, considering this thread, Bill Bullard, who said the above, died from complications of Covid and cancer last year.


You didnā€™t even understand what breakthrough infections were. You were told multiple times until the penny finaly dropped with you. You are the one that uses anecdotal evidence to form an opinion.

Iā€™m still waiting for the link to those screenshots you uploaded. Itā€™s rare you put up any sort of evidence to support your arguments so I suppose itā€™s some progress but Iā€™d like to read the full report rather than just bits and bobs.

Posters on here openly mocked a lady a few weeks back and she was only dead a few hoursā€¦ All to suit their warped agenda.

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Keep at it lads, one of you is going to make a winning argument one of these days that will end the debate once and for all


That wasnā€™t the worst incident. There was a young English lady who died after the vaccine and they posted up the story just to gloat.

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Thatā€™s been the way with certain posters here for forever. Being right on the internet is very important.

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I doubt it somehow. Now that @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has revealed why he is such an intransigent, stubborn, uncompromising poster the prospect of a winning argument has disappeared. He has told us that heā€™s ā€œon the spectrumā€. Explains quite a lot.

Yet Iā€™m not the one trying to coerce or shame people into conforming with my opinion.

And you are.

Which says it all really, Iā€™m being pragmatic, reasonable and tolerant and thatā€™s what drives you nuts.