Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

What were they mocking her about?

Lucky for you that your motivations are different.

Is mocking the autistic part of that empathy thing you were talking about a few posts ago?

I certainly wasn’t mocking. I was saying it explains the stubbornness and lack of empathy

So you are claiming people who are on the spectrum (autistic) are lacking in empathy?
You are an ignorant jackass.

I’m a pragmatist which is why I am happy to let people view their own circumstances and make informed decisions.

You are the type of domineering bully who believes people should do as you say and when they don’t you try and coerce or discriminate against people to make sure they do.

The North’s health department’s Covid dashboard features a graph comparing daily international death rates based on a seven-day rolling average. It compares Northern Ireland with seven countries – the Republic, the UK, the US, Italy, Japan, South Korea and China.

Last Saturday, the North topped the list at 0.44 deaths per 100,000 of population, which at the time was more than 10 times the death rate of the Republic at 0.04 deaths per 100,000.

According to @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy the north have very few fatalities for those u40. It seems he’s willing to accept anyone over 40 or overweight people under 40 as collateral damage. Interesting mindset, similar to his hero Maggie, as you say.


This is typical of the misinformation you’re pedalling about. I don’t advise people not to get the vaccine or otherwise, I think they should make informed decisions and do what they are comfortable with.

My point that I’ve made, repeatedly backed up by government sourced data is that the chances of Covid being serious or fatal for fit and healthy u40s is so minimal and coercing this demograph into taking an experimental drug against their will is the work of deranged nutbags like yourself.

Of course, you aren’t able to offering anything intelligent or relevant to the debate as you’ve devoted yourself to disinformation from the start.

Compare NZ to the rest of the world but only compare Sweden to two other countries, Mike Hunt anti-logic.

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You do realize it’s nationalists who are vaccine resistant in NI? Specifically nationalists living in poorer areas. But it’s no surprise that middle class free state gobshites working from home would mock these people.


That isn’t what I claimed at all. You retarded knob jockey.


How very empathetic of you.

You refuse to accept that an unvaccinated person u40 is putting the vulnerabe more at risk than a vaccinated u40 person because you believe the vaccine does not reduce transmission.

It’s like saying a drunk driver under 40 is unlikely to die if they smash in to an 80 year old couple or an obsese person. You refuse to recognise the danger to the other parties involved. More proof of your myopia.



Where were they being mocked?

You don’t know that. That’s just your innuendo and is a terrible excuse for the vaccine fascism you engage in. As I’ve said, it’s not for the likes of you or @TheBlackSpot to decide so lay off the disinformation, the shaming, the coercion and the discrimination. Maybe if the gaslighters like you two showed the slightest bit of respect then more people might be more inclined to get a vaccine, but when you engage in the type of intolerance you do then it’s natural people will be more skeptical.

What an idiotic statement, whereas I support my position with government sourced data, you engage in hysteria and bizarre analogies.

Says a lot. You’re a mentalist.

What’s the latest lads?

Very. I’m only here to blow off a bit of steam really. Thinking you can change anyone’s mind on here or that your opinion actually matters is the stuff of fantasy.

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As I explained to you yesterday, but you are too ignorant to appreciate, there is little practical difference in terms of transmission. Covid is highly contagious, R for the delta variant is ~6 which means that an infected unvaccinated person is likely to infect six other people. For a vaccinated person that drops to ~3. So if an elderly person is around an infected person whether that person is vaccinated or not makes fuck all difference, they are going to get infected.

Hopefully though the elderly person is vaccinated so they are protected from serious illness.


So you’re still refusing to believe the vaccine reduces transmission?


Is reading not your specialty?

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