Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I’m not refusing to believe anything.

You’re still attempting to misrepresent my position though. You’re still failing to put anything substantive forward.

Misrepresentation and idiotic analogies, you’re out of your depth here son.

There’s nothing in @mikehunt 's post mocking them

Your original belief was that it had no impact on transmission. Is that still your position? A yes or no answer will do.

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My original belief?

I think you’re trying to misrepresent me again numbnuts.

Maybe if you tried to stick with facts and the truth we could have some sort of rational discussion but that would be a bit above your level.

It’s quite fascinating that lads who claim to be empathetic have consistently mocked those less fortunate than them throughout the pandemic, and in the past hour have doubled down and mocked the autistic and then doubled down again and used a disgusting slur against those with intellectual disabilities.

The masks have truly slipped.

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Your original postion was that any vaccine does not reduce transmission. Has that changed?

There’s a lot of misinformation out there by the vaccine fascists. I’ll bring a perfect illustration of it here to light.

Yesterday an article was posted up saying 99.5% of Covid deaths recently were in the unvaccinated.

Yet from above we saw that 119 “Covid deaths” are aged 60+.

Are we to believe that all those 119 people who died from Covid in the past 3 weeks were not fully vaxxed?

That doesn’t seem right, the most vaxxed groupings in the north are 60+.

Of course idiots like @mikehunt are too stupid to ask these questions and are too stupid to know when they’ve been spun a web of lies.

You are still trying to misrepresent my points which have nothing to do with transmission. Cleary your position is now that vaccines are utterly useless if this is your line of questioning.

Coppers is back open on October 22nd.


Incorrect. The article said that 99.5% of Covid deaths in 2021 were in those that were not fully vaccinated, in the UK

Ok so the penny has finally dropped with you on the term “breakthrough transmission” and you now accept that the vaccine does in fact reduce transmission. That’s progress I suppose. People u40 get the vaccine to protect themseves and others. You refuse to and that is your right.

What’s your evidence for this?

Again a very misleading headline.

The vaccination campaign was only really starting to take place when the peak was subsiding.

Misinformation 101.

I don’t accept anything you say as you’re an idiot who has is incapable of substantiating what you say.

Lies, misrepresentation and misinformation is all you’ve brought here.

And idiotic analogies that a 7 year old would be embarrassed by.

That doesn’t back up what you say.

Animals… Which posts were they?

:joy: :joy:

Well argued numbnuts.

You’re getting very irritated again.

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I’m just making the appropriate observations.