Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It does. ā€œThere is a thing in NIā€¦ an anti government thing which runs through society here, particularly on the nationalist sideā€.

I would go further and say although it may be more extreme in NI due to history, the most significant opposition to vaccination is from those who are anti government in general. Itā€™s certainly true in the US, across all demographics.

Your anger, paranoia and myopia blinds you from making informed observations.

Itā€™s the weekend lads have a break.

You donā€™t know what informed observations are. Youā€™ve been unable to support anything youā€™ve said and descended down into a line of trite phrases and emotional ramblings.

Iā€™ve been able to substantiate all my views and observations and I remain in a very middle ground and tolerant position with data as my fulcrum point.

Youā€™re not a very bright person who lacks the intelligence to challenge the narrative.

What you have presented is an anecdote. What you asserting can only proven by data. And you have provided none.

Only an idiot would make the assertion ā€œitā€™s nationalists who are vaccine resistantā€. This implies there is no vaccine resistance in the PUL community or among those who are neither PUL or CNR. A transparently ludicrous idea.

My strong feeling is that anti-ā€œgubā€™mintā€ sentiment in the generic sense is higher among the PUL community than it is among the CNR community, as the DUP, who are the dominant PUL party, are very much plugged in to the global ā€œanti-gubā€™mintā€ Trump style right wing alternate reality cult.

Just the other day an anti-vaccine DUP councillor died from Covid, and these alternate reality, cult-like sentiments on a range of issues have been consistently been indulged by DUP/TUV style Unionism and by Loyalism for many years.

No CNR party, whatever their failings, engages in this kind of alternate reality cultism.

Itā€™s a case of statinā€™ the bleedinā€™ obvious that what resistance is there is spread across the spectrum in terms of religion and national identification. Only an idiot would assert otherwise.

I also find it noteworthy that that you seek to blame those who are vaccine resistant yet consistently refuse to blame those who spread disinformation. That to me seems completely the wrong approach.

There are specific people very much to blame in specific areas. In Derry, Anne McCloskey, who is a far right fundamentalist Catholic, is a particular problem.

The people in the public eye who spread anti-vaccine disinformation are the people to whom blame should be apportioned, yet you have consistently refused to criticise such people. You blame the exploited, not the exploiters.

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I think you might be over-simplifying this.

Weā€™re being told by TFK that the level of viral load that an infected person is exposed to might make a big difference to the severity of their infection - hence the reason why so many young healthy nurses were getting sick at the start of the pandemic, or so TFKā€™s theory went at the time.

Might it not be the case that vaccinated people who pass on the virus to others might be on average infecting those others with a smaller viral load than that passed on by the unvaccinated? In other words, vaccinated and unvaccinated people might still infect an elderly person but it would be much better to be infected by the vaccinated person, who would probably give you the smaller viral load (theoretically and on average).

Youā€™re talking about the R number for vaccinated and unvaccinated but do you know for certain that every R1, 2 or 3 is the same as every other R 1, 2 or 3 in terms of viral load?

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You posted up a screenshot and followed it up with a rant. Thatā€™s the level of your ā€œevidenceā€.

You may be on to something there.

It wasnā€™t a rant. It was a discussion on the data.

Obviously you are dyslexic to data and have repeatedly shown you are not able to understand or interpret anything so just parrot the views of others.

It may be an anecdote, but itā€™s an anecdote from a doctor working in the Bogside so he would know a lot more about whatā€™s going on there than you or I. I have the humility to know this, you have no concept of humility.

I donā€™t blame the vaccine resistant, unlike you I understand their position and emphasize with them. I have no time for disinformation merchants whether itā€™s anti-vaxxers or the people you religiously follow who claimed 1 in 7 children suffer from long Covid, a fearmongering claim made by Independent SAGE nutters that you regard as infallible.


Stop it right now @Tank Youā€™re questioning the conclusions of the most knowledgeable (in every field), most highly intelligent and most articulate poster the Internet has ever seen. Hang your head, man.

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You made an assertion that ā€œitā€™s nationalists who are vaccine resistantā€.

That is a statement that there is a systematic problem among the CNR community in NI that does not exist in other sections of the community.

You have no evidence to assert this and I have never found any evidence that suggests this. What you say is bollocks, itā€™s like something Ruth Dudley Edwards would say.

At the same time you spread evidence free nonsense in an attempt to vilify the CNR community, you simultaneously deny that by far the biggest obstacle to overcoming the pandemic in the US is disinformation spread overwhelmingly by the right wing political and media industrial bullshit/conspiracy machine.

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The infectious dose for Covid is very low, flu for example is 10 virus particles and Covid is lower. The severity of illness depends on the ability of your immune system to fight off the infection. If an immunocompromised person is infected they have little or no ability to fight the infection and the virus multiplies at a very rapid rate, so you go from the original few particles to billions in a short period.

The link between viral load and severity of disease isnā€™t as well connected as was originally thought, people with similar viral loads are developing mild disease and developing pneumonia and dying. It seems to be very much an individual thing, and depends largely on oneā€™s individual immune system.

Those who deny such are the disinformation peddlers.

You literally just blamed them - not those that push the disinformation.

You have a long track record yourself of pushing disinformation and nonsense, so I suppose it would hit too close to home.

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Utter nonsense with the usual sprinkling of lies blended in.

There are two categories of people left who are vaccine resistant. The people who you and others on this site look down your noses at, those from poor areas who distrust (hate) the government and ignore any advice coming from the government. In the US it is poor people of all races and ethnicities who are in this category, a higher proportion of poorer blacks and Hispanics than whites. Poor blacks tend to not vote Republican or listen to alt right media, so your mental gymnastics fails on that point.

The second group of vaccine resistant are highly educated people, doctors and scientists. A minority but a significant minority. You donā€™t understand this group or their concerns either.

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I didnā€™t blame them, more lies. You and your ilk are the ones mocking the unvaccinated. Itā€™s disgusting snobbery, but typical of the left.

By far the biggest vaccine resistant group in the US is white Evangelical Republicans.

But of course you blame people of colour. As you always do.

So typical of you to blame the religious, atheists love to mock people of faith.

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You did, it was literally like something Ruth Dudley Edwards would have said.

One of the classic right-wing propaganda techniques when a right wing nutcase is outpointed is to feign that theyā€™re being bullied and then cry ā€œbullyā€ against others.

Itā€™s so fucking transparent.

I wouldnā€™t mind but youā€™re one of the two biggest bullies on this site, and the extreme right wing politics you espouse is rooted and has always been rooted in bullying the weak in the name of untrammelled power.

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