Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You put up a screenshot without a link. Thatā€™s what you use as evidence. I wouldnā€™t be hopeful of a call from John Grisham when heā€™s researching his new book.

I have never bullied anyone on this site. I have exposed you as a very dangerous individual though who has no qualms about trying to harm people in real life.


Your entire persona is and has always been based on bullying, on shouting down those who disagree with you and especially those who speak truth to power.

And it is based on protecting those who seek to prevent any sort of progressive change and spread propaganda and disinformation which aims to protect white power and supremacy.

The NI version of white power and supremacy is Unionist power and supremacy, therefore your evidence free, generalised vilification of the CNR community over the issue of vaccines is wholly unsurprising.

Those who seek to prevent progressive change during this pandemic are overwhelmingly the worldwide right-wing bullshit machine. Not once have during this pandemic have you called them out, you have consistently indulged their propaganda as being legitimate.

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Name a poster you believe I have bullied on this site and we can ask their opinion on whether they have felt bullied.

Put up or shut up, spoofer.

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Iā€™ve linked it numerous times on this thread. If you follow the audit trail you will see the links.

You seem to contend a lot of substantiated data and points but never question the unsubstantiated misinformation you parrot out yourself.


Everybody you have ever ā€œdebatedā€. There is probably nobody left on this site you havenā€™t spuriously called a Nazi or a communist or a nutcase, and pretty much nobody off this site in the public eye you donā€™t like.

You are classic angry middle aged white gammon.

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Name one, you utter spoofer. You are the only poster on this site I have called a Nazi, communist and nutcase. Which is entirely accurate.

I see youā€™ve managed to get a like from the poster who mocks the disabled, have a think about that. Thatā€™s the company you are in.

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Get stuffed, you horrible, horrible little man.

You threw up a screenshot of the low number of covid fatalities of u40s in Northern Ireland and then ranted that they had counted them wrong. You are fully bonkers.

I accept your surrender.

I didnā€™t.

I posted up the case numbers, the fatalities and the criteria involved in recording the fatalities.

Itā€™s not my fault you donā€™t obtain the intelligence to see how spurious they are.

I quite politely outlined the criteria before:


Again these are govt sources and I have no problem linking you to them but then again Iā€™m honest, post with integrity, Iā€™m a realist and pragmatic and you prefer to go down hysteria, misinformation, misrepresentations and bizarre analogies.

Whatever, Tucker.

Imagine there are mad bastards on here that think lockdowns are a good thing.

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Thatā€™s on the likes of @mikehunt

Another screenshot

Iā€™ve already provided the links Mike.

Iā€™ve told you to ask if you want them but I think government source data would scare someone like you who is versed in misinformation and misrepresentation.

cc @mikehunt

You might want to show some more integrity in future.

Are you back to saying Covid is all a cod? :smiley: :smiley:

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Nope. Your stupidity is bringing you round in a circle. You move the goalpost with every weakly made post you put up.

So itā€™s not a cod? Youā€™re a bit incoherent again.

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