Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

As has been pointed out several times in the past and most recently I think it was yesterday, he has this pretend academic neutral stance while only supporting one side of any argument. To be fair he is quite subtle about it but I reckon that most are wise to his ploy now. Like during the US Presidential campaign, he repeatedly claimed that he was backing Biden while posting stuff couched in pseudo intellectual language that any Proud Boy would have been proud of.
When he gets called out is when he resorts to calling posters fascists, ignorant etc etc. He has much too high an opinion of his intellectual capabilities.


Nothing new there, he’s pretty thick as well as an ignorant racist arsehole.

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Everything you’ve learned about Covid you learned from me, you ungrateful asswipe.

Nestor The Long Eared Christmas Donkey Laughing GIF by Warner Archive

One of the most insidious tricks these fuckers pull is to mask their bigotry with the cloak of “free speech” and “freedom”, two of the most abused terms in the English language.

We saw how much they believe in “free speech” and “freedom” when we saw how they reacted to Kaepernick taking a knee, or the Black Lives Matter protests over the years, or those who rightly demand an end to the white supremacist version of history, or those who want to protect people against dying from Covid.

“Freedom” to them to means freedom to fuck the less fortunate under the bus in any way they can. Freedom to brainwash with hateful propaganda. When American right wingers talk about wanting ”freedom”, what they mean they want is actual tyranny. That’s what we’re seeing in Florida and Texas right now.

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I have you on ignore. I only see your shite when I occasionally hit view hidden message for context, then I try not read it.

I don’t understand your obsession with Florida and Texas. Two backwards bits of a fucked up country. Why don’t you focus on, say, Poland or hungary? They’re nearer and relevant to us and there’s more hope for them anyway.

Poland and Hungary are certainly implementing tyranny. Their regimes are utterly abhorrent.

What is noteworthy is how US right-wing politics and media looks to Poland and Hungary as examples of how they can implement their own form of tyranny in the US, hence Tucker Carlson broadcasting political fellatio for Viktor Orban from Hungary last month. The US right wing sees these regimes as models to follow, as it does that of Putin.

The inter connected nature of the worldwide right is very unsettling.

Well for all my flaws, and I have many, at least I don’t mock the disabled and use disgusting slurs.

Specially on Biden, I voted for him as he was the better choice in my opinion. Doesn’t mean I can’t criticize him if I disagree with his policies. It’s called freedom

Care to expand on the Proud Boys comment. Or will you run away like the little coward

You have me on ignore yet respond to my post :joy:

Hahaha There you go again with the lies. I’d guess there isn’t a poster on here who believes the lie about you voting for Biden.

And back to the name calling. You’re prety predictable at this stage.

just about sums you @Tierneevin1979 up.

I thought the “ignore function” was just one of those TFK in-jokes but I see it actually exists. Every day’s a school day. I think @glasagusban had the right idea.

Care to expand on the Proud Boys comment? Or are you too cowardly?

There you go with the name calling again. You just can’t stop yourself when your hypocrisy is pointed out.
You know what you are. Go back and review your comments in the wake of Chauvin’s murder of George Floyd (and plenty before that too) on Black Lives Matter protests, on deaths by police shooting of black people throughout the US etc etc. I’m not doing it for you and the truth is you don’t have to do it because you know what your stance is. As does just about everybody else on this forum. You’re a racist.

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The reason he is obsessed with Florida and Texas is he sees everything through a left vs right lens.

In terms of Covid deaths there are many European countries with higher death tolls than the US, and several with much higher. Bulgaria, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Belgium, Italy, Croatia are all higher than the US yet he never mentions them, let alone obsesses on them, because they are not right wing.

He also never mentions the states in the US with the highest death tolls like New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts as they are all ran by progressive left governors. He calls DeSantis a murderer but won’t hear of criticism of the wanker Cuomo who sent 15,000 nursing home residents to their deaths.

He is a spoofer and you are correct to call out his bullshit which I commend you for.


Unlike you I live in the US and live in a city which has a high violent crime rate, so I think I am better equipped to comment on these matters than you are. I live in a city that has seen over 100 murders in the past year, the great majority of them young black men killing other young black men, or innocent bystanders. Not one of these 100 killings was a policeman killing a black person unjustly.

Yet from the safety of your home 6k miles away you support an organization that couldn’t give a shit about these killings, and calls for the defunding of police and elimination for incarceration for any crime. I simply cannot help you if you cannot see the insanity of this. You know who agrees with me, the people living in the neighborhoods worst impacted by violent crime. How do I know this? Because #1 their representatives voted against defunding the police while the representatives representing the rich (mostly white) neighborhoods voted to defund the police, and #2 I see with my own eyes the impact of violent crime, literally every day.

As for Chauvin, there are bad cops and he was one of the worst and deserved what he got. I condemned his actions, so stop lying on that one. Any policeman who uses excessive force unjustly or kills someone unjustly should be prosecuted.

Now go fuck yourself.

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Well now, on the basis of that post we’ll hear no more of your pontificating on matters in Ireland. Thanks for playing, pal. You lose.

I’m from Ireland, and lived there for half my life and have been there most years since I moved to the US, months at a time on several occasions. How long did you live in the US and how much time did you spend living in a city with a high violent crime rate?

I suspect you are the one about to lose here.

Now you told me a few months ago when I asked you directly how much time you’d spent here. You said if I recall correctly “just occasional visits” but the gist was “not very often”. So hush child.

That conversation was about Northern Ireland where you asked how much time I had spent there, and I responded I never lived there, but had spent time there on several occasions during the years of the troubles. Do you need my exact itinerary from those years?

Feel free to keep digging, you are making a holy show of yourself. An apology would be more in order.

Can someone pick @TheBlackSpot up off he floor.