Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

And yet you feel qualified to pontificate authoritatively on matters in the North? By your own standards you should say nathin.

I disagree. On this site I would say 95% of posters were never in NI during the troubles, let alone actively involved in the Republican movement back then as I was, and most of them know fuck all about the place in general. You owe the bit of freedom you have to people like me who campaigned on your behalf mate, as I said you should be apologizing.

Well thereā€™s something I never heard before, or expected to hear for that matter.
I was in Derry for a week in 1986 and 1987 for a GAA exchange programme thingy so Iā€™m in the 5%

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I would fully believe that @Tierneevin1979 is the only man in the whole of America who voted Biden just to own the libs.

Welcome to the 5% mate.

Donā€™t be so insular.

You told us De Santis was one of the best Governors in the US and one of the best at dealing with Covid.

Florida has had deaths not far off twice that off previous waves, and De Santis has not only consistently rejected but punished those who have tried to bring in common sense public health measures. And he has indulged anti-vaxxers at every turn.

You remain silent.

One needs no more demonstration of how far off the reservation and how far down the far right rabbit hole you are.

Keyboard warrior California division :rofl:

Thereā€™s only Republican movement youā€™ve ever been involved in and we all know what it is.

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First time I was up in the wee six was at a family wedding in Middletown when I was 2 years old. I stole the show clapping apparently.

Has anyone any news of Joe in Letterkenny?

Yeah heā€™s back in hospital again, in a bad way.

Please! Somebody help! Iā€™m rolling round the floor laughing at the absolute sheer audacity of this cunt.

actively involved in the Republican movement

as actively involved as any barstool. FFS! You really have nailed it here. This is an unbeatable contender for top post on the TNH thread.

Thank you. You have made my fucking night ā€¦ no ā€¦ maybe my month

You complete and utter cretin!

My apologies, but you see he told me that, as I hadnā€™t been to the US, I couldnā€™t comment on US matters.

Florida has the oldest population in the US and is also the most popular retirement and tourism location, all things being equal it should have one of the highest death rates in the country, it is #12.

In a challenging time for any governor DeSantis is fairly popular as are most governors to be fair. The exceptions are left wing headcases that you would support, the likes of Kate Brown in Oregon at 37% approval who has allowed Portland become a war zone, David Ige in Hawaii at 32%, Ned Lamont of Connecticut at 32%, Ralph Norhtam of Virginia at 42%, etc. All left wing progressives completely out of touch with reality. As always you are on the side of deeply unpopular nutcases when it comes to politics.

Most US governors are conservative whether Republican or Democratic, the outliers are easy to spot.

Happy to discuss it with you anytime mate, not on here obviously as we have haters in our midst.

Any even semi-normal person who claimed De Santis was doing a good job on Covid would just admit they were completely wrong when Florida started recording 400 deaths a day at a time when there are vaccines there for everybody who wants them.

But not you.

Youā€™re special.

Youā€™re not ā€¦ Martin Galvin are you?

Obviously you don 't like him as he is not a totalitarian. He has encouraged people to get vaccinated, in a free society you cannot force people to get vaccinated. Vaccine mandates are simply wrong given there are millions of people in Florida alone who have natural immunity, and given the fact that people who are vaccinated can can get infected and infect others.

But itā€™s supported by people like you because you would love a CCP type regime, as you hate yourself and would love to be dominated.

To be fair he could have been an informer.

De Santis stands happily beside wackos shouting insane anti-vaxx propaganda.

It is an objective fact that he has done a catastrophic job, as has Abbott, the misogynist bounty hunter of Gilead who you have remained silent on.

You are living in a complete alternate reality so there is no point engaging with you.