Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Martin Galvin was born in New York so that would be one clue if you could use your brain. He also didn’t support the peace process, so there’s another not so subtle difference.


Anyway, to go back to the thread. Hours of fun!

The 2020 election results:

American Covid maps as of 17/9/21

Whatever Joe McCarron’s unpleasantness as a person, that is a true tragedy. If there was any real justice that Antonio Mureddi chap as well as Dolores Cahill would go behind bars for their behaviour. They are evil vultures.

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It was only staged. Joe is fine.

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I love a good map but is there a point to including the election results?

Covid must have infiltrated the water supply recently

E coli is no joke mate.

Has to be Covid mate, it’s the only thing that makes people sick these days.

Whats your point? Other illness are out there and I see what your doing but its a strange hill to die on

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They must have put Covid in the water for people to get sick.

That’s ridiculous even from you. I might say covid is a cod, but it can be avoided with certain measures and personal responsibility. E coli is not, particularly if its in drinking water.

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I thought it might bring some clarity to the continuing debate about whether states voting Democratic or Republican made any difference

And has it? Plenty states that voted for either parties in the red for deaths, and several in the red for recent increases.

The deaths in the blue states were all staged


Ah sure what the fuck do I know or care. I’ve just seen 2 boys going back and forth about it a few times so I thought it might stir the pot a bit.

Yes but if you ignore the democrat states that have had a lot of deaths and just focus on the states that voted Republican then it’s actually quite damning.