Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Fair enough. I thought you were making a point

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Good man. That’s just the sort of response I was hoping for.

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@TheBlackSpot absolutely killing it here for the past few days, a Tour De France as they say, :+1::+1::clap::clap:


You’re like a puppet master leading the forum on a merry dance.

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Well its fairly obvious why the likes of New York and Massachussetts had massive death tolls - it’s because they were hit early and had huge cities and massive population densities, like many other massive population centres worldwide.

After the initial wave of the pandemic places that tend to vote Democrat have in general dealt far better with the pandemic while Republican voting states have got worse and worse and worse.

This is a devastating indictment for Republican nihilist ideology in general and now lads that have hitched their wagon to the anti-woke cult like you are left looking like the prize imbeciles they are.

That’s a nice analogy. Thank you. I was thinking more of

but I like yours better

It looks like you’re on to something here. You should contact the WHO and tell them your theory. Start with your local GP and he should be able to get you in touch with the right people.


That’s not much of an answer. Do you agree with my post?

If not, explain why.

I don’t really read your posts. Presume it was something about right wing culture wars yada yada.


There are plenty Blues states in the “red” with recent increase as per the map above. Maine, Vermont, Washington, Oregon and Virginia to my eye.

From the map above, the red states of Utah, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas and Florida :scream: all have had less of an increase in the past week (again going from the maps above)

Is this an admission that you prefer to remain in an echo chamber?

Did Florida have recent trouble with Covid? Thought they were one of the states that were done with Covid.

I’ve no idea. I’ve never said anyone was done with COVID. I’m basing the analysis (well, the naked eye counting) on the maps above, which for all I know are wrong.

I’d consider it very simplistic to frame this as a right vs left debate. Loads of places have had hard lockdowns and fared terribly, some have had lax restrictions and done quite well. There’s a whole heap of factors at play, and that’s not even before you factor in the cost, both human and financial, of lockdowns.

Republican states (in general, and in fairness to Sid he used that caveat as well), probably have more natural advantages. They tend to more sparsely populated and rural, whereas Democrat states are probably more urban. But on the flip side, that would probably allow them more leeway to have looser restrictions, and make enforcing restrictions nigh on impossible.

Are you seriously denying that in general Republicans have spread or helped to platform disinformation - which leads to massive increases in deaths - to an infinitely higher level than Democrats have?

The Republican party is shot through with anti-vaxxerism and cult like belief in quack “cures”. I can’t think of any prominent Democrat who is anti-vaxx.

So too the policies. Republicans consistently promote policies which are likely to perpetuate the pandemic and lead to massive spikes in death and illness. Florida and Texas are only the two most obvious examples. This morning I posted a link about the appalling situation that is unfolding in Idaho, another solid red state. What’s happening in Idaho is happening because of the anti-vaxx sentiment spread overwhelmingly by the US right wing political and media ecosphere. I don’t see how anybody could plausibly deny that.

That’s not to say all Democrats have been perfect or anything like it but they are generally pretty sensible in terms of at least implementing common sense public health measures.

All this stuff is very easy to understand and frankly anybody who doesn’t is just being stupidly contrarian for the sake of it, perhaps because they’re bored and angry?

Yes, everywhere did. Why that pesky pandemic!!

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I’m not denying any of the loony anti-vax stuff, that is definitely being spread more by right wingers and is abhorrent. There is a batshit crazy side to the republican party, just like there is a side to the democrat party who lap up a “tax the rich” dress at a 30,000 dollar a night gala or vote not to recall a Governor who implemented harsh measures on his state and then promptly ignored most of them.

But I dont think upending society, closing business regardless of how safe they are and implementing travel bans fall under “common sense public health measures.” I dont think lockdowns work, and certainly not to the extent that they outweigh all the damage they do (which I believe is much more considerable than people believe). And I think the mixed results that many states, on either side of the divide, have gotten bears that out


Lockdowns do work and have always worked. You implement lockdowns where you have no other alternative.

You cannot carry on as if nothing has happened. The most basic function of government is to protect its people. Republicans in general are happy with mass death, and I do not exaggerate at all. That is not an acceptable situation.

The Republican party is a batshit party, effectively political terrorists. Hitler spread the Big Lie and the Republicans are the party of the Big Lie. But it’s not not just one Big Lie. It’s Big Lies in every conceivable area of life you can think of.

But AOC wore a dress with “Tax The Rich” (not sure why you’d disagree with the sentiment) written on it to some celebrity event, so apparently it balances out in terms of “batshit”.

Republicans shout about the so called “Great Replacement”. What needs replacing is the Republican party. It’s the most dangerous institution in the world and has been for decades - it has already cheerled the ushering in of a new age of disenlightenment as regards science. and it seriously threatens not just to prolong the pandemic to a point where it could go out of control, to derail the already failing attempts to combat the climate crisis, but to do away with democracy in the US and even to split the US itself apart. None of this is a remote exaggeration. It is tragic reality. It is the party of the modern equivalents of flat eartherism and witchcraft, and above all, tyranny.

What sort of a bullshit statement is that. Go outside and get yourself a bit of fresh air like a good lad. That and the vitamin D will do wonders for you.


Left wing headcases have destroyed California and Oregon, people shitting on every street corner and these headbangers are concerned about pronouns.

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