Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It could it may not but you’re dealing with a crazy person so there’s no guarantee that once you cut off your toe they won’t then go and shoot everybody anyway.

He thinks the measles vaccine protects against Covid. Maybe it does.

Woah. Cutting off your toe is the new way to protect against Covid, says the anti-vaxxer in chief!

Debasing a discussion by default labelling of people who disagree with your view as anti-vaxxer would almost certainly be regarded as an admission of idiocy. It basically confirms to anyone of moderate intelligence that you lack the wit or belief in your abilities to actually construct a coherent argument for your mad views.

We know Sid certainly is one of those chaps that would have been highlighted in that Dunning-Kruger study. The floor is here for him to make a coherent argument and he’s going batshit crazy on everyone.

Its an unusual one. Without getting the tinfoil hat on about the pcr test etc. But its a different virus completely to march 2020. I wouldnt think the variants would throw up completely different symptoms like this. Something to be aware of really

It isn’t a completely different virus, it’s aimply adapted to more easily infect people. Gastrointestinal symptoms have always been part of the disease, a little less common than respiratory problems.

The brother in law had nausea and diarrhea and it was diagnosed as Covid. That was in October 2020.

I must have been mistaken so. Maybe I’m just remembering the messaging to people panic buying bog roll in march 2020. Anyone I spoke to that were confirmed covid said it was a pain in the hole but I didn’t take it literally

@mikehunt you never told us you were going on the radio? bad form mate


She’s right, the Irish people have been utterly pathetic.
This lad says he doesn’t see enough people coughing into their elbows


Hopefully that poor fucker and the many people like him will snap out of it in the coming months as things start getting back to some bit of normality.


thats the fella who used to be on TV? He’s mentally unwell now judging by the shite he is coming out with

He’s clearly insane and shouldn’t be allowed on the air waves.

Did it ever occur to you that vaccinating individuals under 18, just as regards logic, would have been proposed and done before the elderly and the vulnerable were vaccinated – if the object of vaccinating under 18s was to protect the elderly and the vulnerable?

Just as a matter of logic, like.

The idea of vaccinating under 18s, by force of logic, does not pivot on protecting the elderly and the vulnerable. So the rhetoric that you constantly employ about ‘children’ – a well known ploy of hard right wing politics – does not apply. Vaccinating under 18s is a measure aimed at keeping society open (and in particular at keeping schools open) via keeping infections rates as low as possible. This facet is one some people, 18 months on, still refuse to grasp. The difficulty of this virus, as regards society, is not death/serious illness rate but infection rate. I pointed out this truth a long time ago – and believe I was the first to do so, on here.

There will be, understandably, a debate about vaccines. Fair enough. But forgive me if I remain highly dubious about people who profess themselves quite happy to see society take on abundant risk of all kinds, via pursuit of ‘herd immunity’/‘natural immunity’, but who baulk at the minimal risk involved in taking a vaccine. Again, I believe I was the first person here to parse the issues involved in ‘risk’. No one was able to come up with a coherent reply.

Then again, I have been correct, all along, on the way this topic would play out. Do you ever feel the need to rethink the contradictions inherent in your position?

Nor, might I add, can society afford the inverted utopianism of decrying any solution that is not a hundred per cent perfect solution. Infection rates in the UK are currently at the same level, give or take, as in early 2021. The reason society is operating at a some way normal level – by sharpest contrast with early 2021 – is due to vaccination. Yes, vaccination does not offer a complete barrier either to infection or to passing on infection. But vaccination offers a sufficient barrier in both directions as to offer a means of reopening society. What is there to decry, with any credibility, in this reality?

Meanwhile your ‘solution’, as with your cohort on here, remains what it has been from the start: pretend this virus is like a bad flu, because of serious illness rates, and let the virus run through society via a refusal to lock down. This option was never adopted by any sensible government and never will be. If I were you, that reality would give me pause for thought.


Hard to argue with any of that but I’m sure they’ll still try.

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Mike “I’m a bit light on detail” Hunt.


Let’s examine this long winded post from the village idiot and see if it actually contains any logic.

Bullet points:

Vaccination is a measure aimed at keeping society open by keeping infection rates as low as possible.
Infection rates are all that matter.
82% of adults in the UK are fully vaccinated.
Infection rates in the UK are currently at the same level as in early 2021, before the widespread vaccination effort started.

Can anyone else with a functioning brain see an issue with this “logic”?


Great post that, even better today than yesterday. Deserved an absolutehape of likes
So this vaccine cuts down transmission a bit…for a while at least. The safety profile is changing daily, as is our understanding of its effectiveness. A few months ago it was perfect, now much less so yet a few months ago it wasn’t safe for children, now it is…even if they don’t need it.
But you want me to accept that we should use it to protect old people by giving it to young people? And you talk about contradictions?


You are wasting your time with these covid fanatics, they lost the war and can’t handle it, these gobshites will still be looking for lockdowns and restrictions in 5 years time

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Protect older people who are vaccinated.

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