Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Vaccination is surely merely aimed at keeping people from getting sick or dying and it really only helps the vulnerable and elderly who are at risk of this in the first place.

The whole narrative of forcing vaccines on fit and healthy young people without underlying health conditions is fanatical, moronic and deeply sinister.


you have to barbarically inject shite into 12-15 year olds who are at no risk in order to protect old people who are already vaccinated


its a monstrous imposition

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I take issue- infection rates are absolutely ‘soaring’ in Israel where they’ve vaccinated everyone six times. Clearly the vaccine is a sneaky ploy aimed at letting it rip


Some people get to stick a badge on and smugly pontificate to everyone how great they are so vaccines serve a purpose too.

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… and they’re off

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It’s like St. Clabbert’s in here.

True, but I wouldn’t say that about @Malarkey . He’s just giving his take on it, he’s entitled to be wrong.
I hear nolan and Crawley pontificating about the selfishness of care workers who won’t take the vaccine…talk about galling hypocrisy. It’s not enough that they do the hardest job going for 11 quid an hour …

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Nolan is a very selfish man. We have had to put our lives on hold for the past 18 months to protect his obesity.


He had to be double vaccinated. Twice

And yet he still tucks into his burgers like a savage while demanding others to things they are not comfortable with so he can gorge himself.

I wonder what is the correlation of people with gout who are also vaccine fascists?

If you work in a caring profession and choose to remain unvaccinated you are effectively choosing - without asking the person being cared for - that the person being cared for will have a much higher risk of dying from Covid than they otherwise would have had.

You are deliberately putting their life at risk.

This ultra-individualist bullshit, which is inherently tied to extreme right wing politics, needs to be relentlessly called out for what it is.

It isn’t just selfishness, it’s wilful gambling with inflicting culpable homicide.

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Except he and his ilk are the ones that have spread most disinformation throughout the pandemic as they buy into the insane rhetoric of the progressive left, you know the ones sitting at home on full salaries or on government aid scorning people who have to go out to work so the greedy cunts can get their gourmet food delivered.

Here are the cold hard facts of disinformation. The hospitalization rate from Covid has been pretty steady since March 2020, it ranges from 1- 5% for adults depending on age group, the 5% heavily skewed to the >80 age bracket.

Based on surveys in the US, close to 70% of people believe that 50% of those that get Covid end up in hospital. It breaks down to 26% of Republicans and 41% of Democrats believing this. 26% of Republicans believe the range of 1 - 5% and 10% of Democrats.

But progressives are the intelligent ones. This has been the greatest dumbing down exercise in human history.


That’s a terrible anti vaxx message.

The vaccine fascists are actually the ones who discredit the vaccine most, ironically.


Over 15 million dead according to The Economist.

And you’re still peddling the extreme right wing fantasy of “natural immunity”.

“Natural immunity” to what?

This is a novel virus to which we don’t have immunity.

Why do you think so many millions of people are dead?

Get stuffed, you lowest common denominator, alternate reality propagandist.

Why did millions die during the Winter flu season of 17/18?

Answers on a postcard please.


You had all night to study and still haven’t learned a thing.

How do the 99% of younger adults fight off Covid, most of them either having no symptoms or mild symptoms? Is it magic?

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Because of lack of natural immunity.