Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The selfishness is staggering but what’s even more staggering is their total lack of awareness of it. You just know when they air concerns over others they have skin in the game. They think this passes as selflessness.

And where was @mikehunt and his contrived outrage then?

It’s always tied to extreme right US “libertarian” politics, whether they know it or not. Individualist “libertarian” propaganda has poisoned public discourse to a disastrous extent.

This ideology has always dressed up real tyranny as fake “freedom”.

To “libertarians”, “freedom” was the “right” of the white man to own slaves, not the right of the slaves to be free.

To them, “freedom” was the “right” of whites not to share school classrooms with non-whites, not the right of non-whites to not be discriminated against.

To them, “freedom” was the right to refuse to serve non-whites for no other reason than them being non-white, to stop them voting, to stop them living among whites.

To them, “freedom” was and is the right of the tobacco and fossil fuel lobbies to spread pseudoscience, to help them spread it, to uphold the “freedom” of business to poison the natural environment as it wants.

To them, “freedom” is the right to let the rich do anything they want, and let the poor die. They think public healthcare is tyranny. Because public healthcare acknowledges that people being able access healthcare when they need it and not go destitute as a result is a societal responsibility.

Their idea of “freedom” is the freedom to spread lies and propaganda as widely as they can, to poison the minds of as many people as they possibly can.

All that is real tyranny.

All this ideology flows into their ideology of tyranny during this pandemic, which is simply to let people as many people as possible die, in the name of fake “freedom”, or real tyranny.

All this clashes with reality, so the only way they can “defend” this poison is by retreating into an alternate reality and becoming shameless trolls.

The far right tyranny of, Sweden that treats its people as responsible citizens versus the left leaning New Zealand that wants to treat them like irresponsible peasants who can’t be trusted?


I asked you why over 15 million people are estimated to have died in this pandemic.

You haven’t answered.

Where was their “natural immunity”?

10 times the death rate of their nearest neighbours.

Who did a better job?

How many deaths does NZ have?

You need to take your vitamins in the morning, or else my vitamins won’t work.


“People died from flu because of lack of natural immunity.”


“Trust natural immunity to a completely new virus that nobody ever had before!”

Like, what the absolute fook.

They celebrate oppression in the US and Israel but rage against it in Northern Ireland.

But we’ve known for some time now that immune cells for the common cold recognise SARS-CoV-2.

Who is being oppressed in the US?, and who is celebrating it?

Funny also how none of the “freedom” mob have commented on the anti-vaxx loon who murdered a petrol station worker who asked him to wear a mask.

The relentless radicalisation of these far right online “movements” like Incels and gun nuts and “paytriots” and anti-maskers and anti-lockdowners is incredibly dangerous. It is being deliberately whipped up by right wing politics.

If not tackled, the logical endpoint is the end of democracy and of any sort of free societies. The logical endpoint is fascist tyranny. This is path humanity has trodden before, and those who refuse to learn the lessons of it are complicit.

This is bullshit. This is the nonsense Mike Yeadon, who has gone round the twist, preaches.

You cannot have natural immunity for Covid unless you catch it.

And you don’t want to catch it, and you certainly don’t want to catch it unvaccinated. It’s why we have an estimated 15 million people dead around the world and many more to follow.

They dream of being accepted into the “family” of imperial oppressors.

The official number of deaths is 4.7 million in 18 months, so let’s go with that number. Out of a global population of almost 8 billion so 0.06% of the global population died from this disease in 18 months.

Those people would have weakened or non existent natural immunity, which happens as you age and with certain medical conditions. Look I’m perfectly willing to teach you a bit of immunology, but you have to be willing to learn, something you have shown no evidence of so far.

How do you think the 99% of people who get infected with Covid fight off the disease and either have no or mild symptoms? If you genuinely have a mental block about the term natural immunity then use innate immunity in it’s place as it’s essentially the same thing. Natural or innate immunity does not depend on prior exposure to a new organism, nor depend on specific organisms. Then google active or acquired immunity and try and understand the difference and you are off to the races.


Please stop posting anti-science as you have no idea what you are talking about. Google innate and acquired immunity ffs and stop embarrassing both yourself and the few simpletons who give you sympathy likes.


4.7 million is a drastic undercounting. You accept yourself that the figure is drastically undercounted. You accept that it’s drastically undercounted in India alone, by several million.

And these millions of deaths to you are just nothing. They don’t matter.

There’s no arguing with that. It’s a puritanical, Lord Of The Flies worldview. You do not care about the mass of humanity that has been extinguished.

Not what I am saying, moron. Those with weakened immune systems need protection, and need medical intervention to strengthen their immunity.

Pseudoscientific bullshit. 15 million people are dead and you’re telling us it’s a fucking cold.

I know exactly what you’re saying. Your opinions come straight from the playbook of the far right. You’re saying “let it rip”.