Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You are flailing about like a bluebottle trapped in a window space. Deaths are undercounted in some countries and over counted in others.

Every life matters, including the lives of US cops whose murders you have celebrated. So go fuck off like a good lad with your moralizing.

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It’s not bullshit. Coronaviruses are not new. Studies (not Mike Yeadon) have reported that 20–50% of people who hadn’t been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 showed T cell responses against different parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is immunology and virology, mate. It’s not the junk science that the zero Covid proponents spout. It has been proven that some people have pre-existing T cell memory against common cold coronaviruses, and these same T cell memories can recognise SARS-CoV-2 right down to its molecular structure. Trust the science.

He hasn’t a notion mate, his brain is addled with anti-science nonsense.

Keep projecting. All you say on this thread is far right political ideology. We’ve had a taste of what you want and we’ve seen how disastrous it is.

And don’t try and pretend you haven’t gone anti-vaxx. I know exactly how this works. Far right propaganda is like Covid itself. It sticks its spike protein in and then consumes the host.

You could be reading up on innate and acquired immunity and learning something, instead of posting drivel.

What a waste of a brain.

The reason the world has bene in a heap for the last 18 months is because science is not stupid. Actual science knows this virus is a mass killer and getting out of this mess depends on mass vaccination.

That’s the why the unvaccinated continue to die in their many thousands, which will become millions.

Unless the host has T cell memories to the propaganda (left and right).

Again, you have nothing but “let it rip”. This is far right political ideology, not science.

Surely by this logic the unvaccinated should be all dead by now given this is such a contagious and deadly virus, and it’s been around for 18 months?

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It’s noteworthy that the other ZeroCoviders are nowhere to be found when the senior hurling starts.

In fairness to Sid he is willing to fight his corner.

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Is there anyone left in India at all?

The reason the world has been in a heap for the last 18 months is because of how governments have reacted to the spread of a new coronavirus. In the early weeks and months of the pandemic, when the reporting was a little more ‘open’, we had a glimpse of the ages and comorbidities of those that tested positive for the virus prior to their death. An almost statistically insignificant number of healthy young people die from the virus; it mostly impacts old and sick people. This is not a new concept for humanity.


By your logic nobody should be dead.

Covid has claimed more lives in the US than the Spanish (Kansas) Flu.

But yet you’re telling us to listen to a guy, Ioannidis, who said there would be no more than 10k deaths in the US.

You claimed that the US would handle the pandemic like a breeze.

You told us to listen to Sunetra Gupta, who claimed that over half of Britain’s population had already caught Covid by March 24th, 2020 - a naked lie designed to benefit the let it rip ideologues and throw hundreds of thousands of people in Britain, and millions elsewhere, under the bus.

You told us to listen to Michael Levitt, who claimed the pandemic in China “burned itself out” after a few weeks, and in the Sunday Indo on May 3rd, 2020, claimed it would burn out in Ireland in a few weeks.

You told us the Alpha variant was “bullshit”.

You’re now telling us that those who advocate vaccination for 5 and up are “monsters”.

You pushed hydroxychloroquine, a worldwide right wing cult.

You pushed Ivermectin and pushed its shameless, lying backers, another worldwide right wing cult.

You have a long, long, long record of displaying ignorance and stupidity in relation to this pandemic.

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No it is not.

This is to claim that the whole thing has been a fraud.

It is real, and no more needs to be said.

This is a plain, unvarnished truth the whole world can see.

Is Sweden a right wing tyranny?


the world is populated by woke, lefty hypochondriacs now too, this could not have come at a worse time

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As regards the pandemic it has been, yes. It has been suckered onto pseudoscience. Unless you consider the lives of the many thousands of people who died needless deaths as worthless, and it is obvious you do.

Has there been much of the ‘case surge’ that NPHET warned of when schools reopened?

Anecdotally it appears so, although the rules as regards close contacts have been relaxed severely meaning that the running of the schools hasn’t been badly affected.

We don’t need anecdotes. They report daily case numbers don’t they. Or are they not testing kids?