Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Its a shitstorm. Everyones just keeping the heads down and saying nothing though. You cant get covid if you dont get tested.

7117 positive cases among 0-18 years from August 31st to September 13th.

The hospitals must be over run so.

Oh wait, they’re not, as kids recover really well from Covid.


There’s a deadly surge in the North, they’re testing classroomfuls of perfectly healthy children and a sizeable proportion of them are testing positive. As they’re perfectly healthy they’re not in hospital … however they’re being used to demonstrate that the vaccine has broken the link between cases and hospitalisation.
As blatant a piece of chicanery as we’ve seen, and one which would be defended to the hilt by the usual suspects
I’ve sent off 2 tests for my young lad and can’t get results for either…as a result I’ve no idea if my dog has covid. The testing company is sending out another test kit. I’m assuming that they’re betting paid for all 3. Some scam in fairness


Ok is that an increase then on the previous time frame?

200 million people in uttar pradesh and hardly a case to be found, apparently. How is this possible?!

Was talking to one of the lads today who said they reckon Bombay has 90% herd immunity now.


What happened and what is happening in Uttar Pradesh is really quite easy to understand when you engage your brain.

Ivermectin failed disastrously there.

As it did in Peru, which has the highest recorded death rate in the world. Ivermectin cultists are fairly silent on Peru.

So this vaccine cuts down transmission a bit…for a while at least. The safety profile is changing daily, as is our understanding of its effectiveness. A few months ago it was perfect, now much less so yet a few months ago it wasn’t safe for children, now it is…even if they don’t need it.

Using the adjective “perfect”, which no one on that side of the argument has ever deployed, I would say, is the essence of inverted utopianism. You cannot address a debate, let alone win it, by inventing straw men.

Which or whether, the vaccines work far better than “a bit”. You would do better to acknowledge this reality. Vaccines are the reason why infection rates comparable to early 2021 have not produced, in autumn 2021, a similar scenario to early 2021. The further reality is that you have no solution to offer (and Ivermectin, which is made by Big Pharma, is not remotely a solution).

But you want me to accept that we should use it to protect old people by giving it to young people? And you talk about contradictions?

I actually laid out the reason, by a simple exercise of logic, why vaccinating under 18s, whatever its merits or demerits, is not centred on protecting “old people”. This point is irrefutable. So you ignore this point. You are implicitly conceding the argument by adopting so weak and illogical a counter argument.

You are a decent person. But you are also a person, for whatever reason, without a solution to offer.

I will leave matters there. I think it is dangerous when decent people adopt foolish and dangerous positions. But there it is.

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Another former member of the gaming community, it would seem.

You truly are a phenomenal eejit. What I said about how this issue would play out is exactly what transpired. There is no game in town except vaccination. There, as with so many, you were entirely wrong.

Live with it, so to speak.

All dead no doubt. It is a deadly pandemic after all.

A solution? Sure didn’t I suggest a whole hape of measures including the vaccine? I suppose you’re either a true believer or you’re damned

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The sheer stupidity and bad nature of this Kango – ‘Sweden has not done the worst and therefore has done the best’: cute logic… – is one of the main reasons I left this topic alone. Has there ever been a more deluded and egotistical blow hard than this ladeen? There is nothing to him. He spends hours trawling through scientific articles but lacks the basic nous to understand – well, to understand the basics. This clown is the ladeen who announced last summer that Sweden was “done with Covid”. If I had been that stupid and that wrong, I would have pretended to vote for Joe Biden.

Oh wait…

Intelligence alone cannot make the blind see or unKango a Kango. So there is no use in pointing out that the logic I referenced involved vaccination sequence and the implications thereof. Yer man is just too thick to grasp such distinctions.

There is equally little use in pointing out that the implications of infection rate are what I, correctly, highlighted. Autumn 2021 is not early 2021 for only one reason: vaccines. Yer man is too thick, despite whatever amount of scientific articles, to grasp this basic facet. You cannot read yourself into being intelligent. That quality is genetic luck.

Needless to add, I made mummy of this ladeen numerous times on numerous topics. To do so was extremely easy. Encountering someone a trillion times more intelligent than him really upsets this clown. I enjoy his discomfiture but the true victory lies in my being so markedly better natured, which is not just a matter of genetic luck.


I will leave it there, if only because I do not operate out of a vocabulary centred on “true believer” and so forth. I use what the gods gave me through genetic luck and think.

You have zero education and zero understanding of anything science or medicine related. Stick to stick stick, which I freely admit you are good at, one of the best.

The Dunning-Kruger effect. Textbook.

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Over 85% in ICU unvaccinated… Terribly sad.

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I would guess I was the first person to cite that syndrome on here.

Nice to be educating people, I guess. I should charge by the aeon.