Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

What a deeply unpleasant clown, wrong in nearly every way on this topic, thinks in any regard is irrelevant to me. I just find the discomfiture amusing – and could win all the arguments again any time I wanted.

Done with Covid…

Thanks mate. It seems that NPHET got it horribly wrong again

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“gourmet food”

Asides tell you most about someone’s psyche. This clichéd bilge drives a world view. Rejection somewhere in the past appears to be the motor.

Down 4% on last week when the schools were also open? How does it compare to August is the question right??

Hard to say…who’s this anon fella?

That’s an absolute clamping.

The vaccine fascists are light on the detail and rich in the theatrics.

I’m the gourmet expert around here, surprised you’re not aware of that.

Sid has been banging on about Dunning-Kruger for at least a decade, it seems to run deep with the writers/reporters/journalists.

Delusions of adequacy would be an overstretch

Your response to my post, calling me a thick bastard and offering no substantial argument whatsoever, is genuinely pathetic.

Explain the logical / causative link between the two consecutive paragraphs from your original post which I have quoted.

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Yes, there was a narrative being peddled in July and August and parrotted on here that the opening of schools would lead to a huge surge in cases. It was also contended by one poster that the Dept of Education not enforcing mandatory mask wearing for primary school kids as a highly dangerous position to take, and that cases numbering in the thousands were ‘likely’ after the opening of schools as a consequence

I believe, now we are approaching almost a month since schools opened, that it might be prudent to verify these predictions, and call the poster spreading this fear mongering to account as his prediction of a ‘likely’ 4000 cases a day haven’t come to fruition.


Ivermectin. A great drug

Apologies for calling you a bastard, I’m sure you are from fine stock.

One paragraph in my original post was in relation to ZeroCovid, of a multi paragraph post mainly focused on breakthrough infections reported in the Irish Independent article. The final paragraph was a general comment that in my opinion Sweden got things right, or at least most right, of all the responses in Europe, if you take into account the overall impact of the pandemic including the impact of all responses to the pandemic.

There is no specific causative link between that final comment and ZeroCovid. Sweden did not pursue ZeroCovid obviously, nor as you said did most European countries, except Finland and Norway arguably who instigated strict border controls. Doesn’t mean there are not those who haven’t been pushing strongly for ZeroCovid throughout the pandemic and still are. ZeroCovi is clearly a pipe dream, especially now that breakthrough infections are more commonplace

The general point I am making is that efforts to suppress the virus is western countries have largely been fruitless and have done much more harm than good. I would have a different opinion if vaccination efforts could result in sterilizing immunity (the ability to prevent infection), but they were never going to do that given the disease we are dealing with. We simply have to learn to live with the virus which is what most countries and US states have done.

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Is it a given at this stage that lockdowns are in the rear view mirror in the US at this stage or do you see any chance they could be re-introduced at individual state level or by means of a federal directive if cases/hospitalisations went very high over the winter?

I cannot imagine stay at home orders again and if they were re-introduced there would be widespread unrest. Cases and deaths are declining again the past few weeks, so unless there’s a massive surge again I can’t imagine renewed restrictions at a state or federal level.


Have any US states had massive surges recently? I haven’t been following the news, like.

Strange that because you always come across as if your head has just been in a gas oven.

No surprise at the Nazi reference.

Yeah, for river blindness.

Unfortunately a lot of posters on this thread are afflicted with severe and wilful blindness of an entirely different kind, for which there is no cure.