Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Do you think weā€™ll see increased restrictions this winter in Ireland ?

I presume you call yourself a Nazi every time you go into the kitchen, so.

Tell me this, how many Nazi references and slurs have you made on this thread?

Remember as well, that the Nazis actually liked to kill off old people.

And that you spend your life regurgitating the propaganda of those who have no problem doing the exact same thing.

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I donā€™t know. The winter is uncertain. What we can say is that the happily very high rate of vaccination in the population is our best possible defence against another depressing winter.

What do you think yourself?

I bloody hope not.



Havenā€™t you already had both bug and drug?

Great news btw

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Its the turmeric sure.


Itā€™s not really that uncertain. Winter will be wet, windy and cold. It is cold and flu season. There will be an ā€˜uptickā€™ in cases, and as sure as night follows day, the CMO will be pushing hard for further lockdowns and restrictions.



One month later:



The southern departments are very misleading and disconcertingly vague on the information they give on Covid.

How many people in ICU were admitted with Covid and how many picked it up in hospitals?
What is the age profile of people in ICU?
What is the proportion of people in ICU with an underlying health condition?
How many of those under the age of 60 who are in ICU with Covid or admitted to hospital with Covid could be classifed as obese or have another underlying health condition?

Of course being honest with the truth might actually undermine the narrative.


Whatā€™s the narrative? Theyā€™re opening up in a few weeks and there doesnā€™t seem to be any push back against that at all so far

That this disease is a threat to anyone unvaccinated, this is refuted by any data available both pre and post vaccination.

Itā€™s not, itā€™s a threat to the elderly and vulnerable and people who donā€™t look after themselves (eg obese people).

You got your arse handed to you when you couldnā€™t put forward a coherent argument for vaccine fascism which you supported.

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The real question is have the llamas in this study ever used ivermectin?

My older lad is due his second Covid jab on Sunday. And heā€™s supposed to get HPV vaccine the same day.

They say no issues with both on same day.

Heā€™ll be like a pin cushion.

As the childā€™s father, are you OK with this?, or would you prefer to stagger them?

Iā€™d say they have done a serious amount of extensive testing on young lads getting the covid vaccine and the HPV vaccine on the same day.

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Vaccine fascism has seen governments trample on their own regulations in their rush to roll out vaccines to children. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in the UK has determined that the risk to children from adverse reactions to the jabs outweighs the benefit, and they have recommended that vaccination of young children should not be proceeded with. The government in the UK has chosen to ignore this advice. Interestingly, the Health Protection (Vaccination) Regulations, 2009, places an obligation on the Secretary of State to ensure the implementation of JCVI recommendations, so the UK government is in breach of its own regulations.


injecting innocent children with vaccines is monstrous, covid is minimal risk to under healthy people under 40

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Follow the Scienceā„¢

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