Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

So the UK are going against the medical advice given to them and giving the vaccine to children? Who decided to go against the medical advice and why?

You’re a bit light on detail, Mike.

As usual.

It seems very clear that it was in fact the JCVI who went against the evidence.

And if the JCVI have evidence that other countries who are vaccinating from 12 and up are wrong, wouldn’t they have an urgent moral duty to inform these countries they are wrong?

This from Indonesia would seem fairly categorical evidence that vaccinating children is a clear benefit and that not vaccinating them is gross and wilful negligence.

Indonesia, noted for their scientific minds.

It is quite instructive that this lad’s only response to facts is naked racism.

We’ve now got a poster on here telling us the JCVI have withheld evidence from the pubic and other health authorities regarding impacts of the vaccine.

He’s our resident crazy lad who rants about right wing culture wars, Trump, Putin, 5g etc at every opportunity so it’s just another ordinary day.

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The same lad pontificating about how we have to maintain lockdowns endlessly to protect people while he himself mocks people who have their spouse diagnosed with cancer.

Imagine being that twisted to mock people over getting cancer. All the while playing the role as the biggest virtue signaller going. A complete hypocrite and downright nasty person.


You can just feel the squirming discomfort in the last two replies. No arguments at all offered. Lads can’t handle facts. Makes their little funsize brains explode.

Yes, he’s the type of chap who is inherently nasty and attempts to debase everything down to his level.

Utterly incapable of a coherent argument so he just slurs and misrepresents anyone who will oppose his extremist and quite frankly unsettling world view.

Don’t say much more pal, he might try and doxx you.

He has form for that kind of thing.

Jay Bhattacharya and Lord Sumption with an interesting discussion on the wide ranging repercussions of lockdowns, unreasonable expectations, the courage of sumption’s 93 year old pal compared with the infantile demands of the lidtf lads etc

I unhid him there to see what you were replying to- we seem to now be bizarrely questioning the credentials and motives of the scientists responsible for all vaccination advice. How is that going to fit into their criticisms of antivaxxers? :thinking:

The oddest thing about it is that it is reasonable to express some frustration with them and pointing to other countries approving it, but downright questioning them is bizarre.

What this comes down to is that we have a new vehicle called the Science™. There is only right or wrong, and the former is tied to how much virtue you claim to have on social media. They are on the exact same level as antivaxxers.


I was asking why the UK government totally ignored thier own medical advisors and whose advice did they follow. Just asking questions. Only an idiot would form an opinion on incomplete information or negative emotions and resentments, or as you like to call it “following the data”.

Amazing how you don’t ask questions about the lack of data released regarding ICU numbers.

One would say you are being very disingenuous here.

You’re the guy that takes his views from Ivor Cummins and Graham Neary and you’ve been hilariously wrong at every stage of the pandemic.

Currently you advocate that Australia and New Zealand should let the Delta variant run rampant and overwhelm their hospitals and let thousands of people die.

You’re a laughing stock and a coward, Dimmy.

You’re easily amazed. It was a reasonable question that wasn’t even aimed at you but you bluebottled your way in without an answer to the question. Are you a bit cranky again today? Figures you believe to be inaccurate getting to you again?

I’m the child’s father as you say.

As you will well know, the child’s mother will be the arbitrator of any final decision on this.

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So you have contradictory stances.


The myocarditis panic being deliberately spread by the anti-vaxxers is yet another Ivermectin type right-wing orchestrated craze. It was largely based on a bullshit study released recently which was quickly pulled apart.

Just like with Ivermectin.