Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Oh you aren’t going to like this monstrous behaviour


Far from being a failure of policy, the Tories’ policy is working as intended. They’re perfectly happy for as many children to catch Covid as possible.

The oul’ Covid must do wonders for the larnin’, yeah.

Open it up ta fuck and let it rip.


They do deserve better.

They should not be isolated from school for something that does not affect them.

Of course, you’ll point to an exceptional case but the truth is that your woke cult are wrong on this one.

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Wider society issues is a huge catch all. The primary reason that Whitty mentioned was that you have to isolate for 10 days if a close contact. That’s a societal issue created by the government.

I’m not particularly bothered by it but it’s clear that politics got in the way. The FDA are seeing similar on boosters in the US.

Claiming the Tories don’t care about kids when they strong armed vaccinations for 12-15 against the pure medical advice is funny.

Similar to the idea that they were happy to kill off their major voter base in the elderly.

These conspiracy theorists are all over the place with their logic.

They are on par with the lunatics they despise the most.

The far right and far left are pretty much the same I think to be honest in relation to covid.

In the real world there is a middle ground thankfully.


Why are we waiting another month to OIUTF?

Unless it’s all a sick joke and it’ll be delayed again

ISAG heads having a cut off Egghead Nolan tonight.

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Homer Simpson Cartoon GIF

Sub teacher and professional crazy person questioning other people’s credentials :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The other lad mustn’t be able to get good phone reception in Tanzania to weigh in.

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I think Staines used to work with Nolan and is fuming that he was never brought into the NPHET fold.

He didn’t do his 14 days hotel quarantine there, gas fella.

Being an actual anti-vaccine cultist who shouts “woke cult” isn’t doing anything at all for you, mate.

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Almost a full house of “the kids need to man up, forget about getting vaccinated and get Covid for Ireland” cultists here tonight.

Dimmy Riggins leading them.

I’m pretty sure Dimmy is vaccinated.

You’d have more of a grudging respect for the full on anti-vaxxers, because even if they ask others to potentially ruin their lives, they’re doing it themselves, whereas Dimmy is nice and protected.

Walk the walk and all that.

Those who have joined the bizarre anti-vaxx cult of calling for children to remain unvaccinated and who dismiss the threat of a surge in schools in Ireland should have a look at this graph from England.

Philip Nolan is simply wrong when he says schools are not a threat of spreading the virus.

I mean a fucking dog could work that out. The evidence from the graph is that clear.

And vaccinating all age groups is essential. Why? Because once you get to 0, there are no younger age groups for the virus to concentrate in.

The massive rise of Delta among 20-24 year olds affected all age groups. Vaccinating 20-24 year olds had a beneficial effect for all age groups.

What type of freak is advocating ‘vaxxing’ under 12 year olds for covid? Either:

1.Someone completely blind to the cost/benefit trade off’s to children. I.e. someone extremely stupid. Teachers, journalists, etc
2. Far lefty weirdos who want to hold the line to every bananas idea that sticks it to the ‘right’ regardless of the facts. These people are usually freaks that have very limited real life interactions and of course, no children.


The UK has the perfect policy and will be proven right, vaccinate everyone who will take it over 18 and let it rip. The flu crisis coming in the next couple of months will make covid seem like nothing. People haven’t had a cough or a cold for nearly 2 years, it will be carnage


The flu deniers won’t like that.

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