Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The Covid pandemic has provided this subsection of society with ammunition they could never have dreamt of. For 18 months the personal choices we make about what to do and who to see have presented a near-existential threat. Sunbathing in the park became an act of societal aggression; hotlines were set up for neighbours to inform on one another; people argued for masks to be worn outside where they have next to no benefit to “remind” everyone that we were in crisis mode.

As the risk has receded owing to the vaccine rollout, that power is proving hard to relinquish. An IpsosMORI pollpublished in June found that a significant minority of Brits would like certain restrictions such as closing nightclubs (26 per cent) and imposing a 10pm curfew (19 per cent) to be enforced permanently regardless of Covid risk . Even when the question specified there were no safety grounds for the restrictions, a quarter of people still wanted to stop everyone else enjoying themselves.


Lefty’s want everyone to be equally miserable

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People being arrested for visiting their family, getting fined for going to the farther away Tesco, small businesses closed while Amazon and Tesco make a fortune, no international travel whatsoever, elderly people left to wallow at home, kids unable to go to school and see their friends…and all to allow a few weirdos feel better about themselves. It’s sick what society has become


So anyone with an arts degree?

Gish galloping, anti-vaxx waffle.

Personal insults, deliberate misquotes, refusal to address my points, wheeling out debunked canards.

Almost a full house of anti-vaxx disinformation.

People who got the vaccine are now anti-vaxx?

The people making these claims need to be sectioned.

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There was a post saying the JCVI instructed the government not to vaccinate kids because the risks outweighed the benefits. This is not true, they actually said the benefits marginally outweigh the risks. The post also forgot to mention that the JCVI were not mandated to include wider societal issues in their decision. The CMO decided they vaccinating the young was of benefit to wider society.

No posters here have provided any evidence that the so called risks of vaccinating children outweigh the clear proven benefits.


The ball is their court.

I don’t expect a return shot.

“No international travel whatsoever”?

I presume you haven’t been at the airport for 18 months, so.

Produce your evidence as to why children shouldn’t be vaccinated.

And produce an argument.

Arguments from you up to now: Zero.

You are The Zero Argument guy.


You’d want your ducks in a tidy row…

Geneticist Aoife McLysaght gave a lovely fear mongering performance on Newstalk this morning, quoting Architect Orla Hegarty while framing her arguments.



A Gammon special right here.


How’s that “likely” 4000 cases a day prediction you made coming along?


They all had a webinar together the last evening. Not sure if views reached triple figures.

The list of professions represented by the ISAG crew sounds like the various descriptions on here of the lad who ended Roy Keane’s career in the Scottish Cup or Jim Tomsula’s career before the NFL



We’re doing better than expected in terms of overall population, which is great.

Why do you think we’re doing better than expected? I’d be very interested in your view.

Do you think schools will be major spreaders of the virus? Again, I’d be very interested in your personal view.

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FAO of @Tierneevin1979 - specifically the bit highlighted in blue.