Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The Liam Cahill effect?

And no All Ireland to show for it.



Schools havenā€™t proven to be major spreaders of the virus while they were open in the last 18 months so in my personal view I donā€™t think they are going to be in the future.

I think we are doing better than expected possibly because the vast majority of children are asymptomatic and are not being tested

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99.7% vaccinated against a virus with a 0.03% cfr
Oh the stupidity, and the ironing.


OK, but in the UK they very much are proving to be major spreaders, as the below graph shows. As the older age groups have been vaccinated Covid has pushed more and more into the younger age groups. A massive rise among one age group can pull up the numbers among others, even if those age groups have a high rate of vaccination. This is especially a problem if it gets into the older age groups. Thatā€™s why the UK is averaging 150 deaths a day. It gets into those older age groups and the vaccines, brilliant as they are, are not foolproof.

In England 100,000 children are currently out of school with confirmed or suspected Covid.

If they pass it to their grandparents or their parents, and the parents then spread it to the grandparents etc. which is inevitable with such high figures, thatā€™s a problem, even with high vaccination levels.

There is no logical reason to believe that Covid will not rip through unvaccinated children in schools, or is not already doing so.

My view is we are doing better than expected in terms of overall cases because we have a very high vaccination rate among 18 and up and we have not yet opened society fully, indoor pubs are sparsely populated etc. People are still cautious and rightly so.

But Covid is like water, it goes where it can go. So itā€™s now pushing more and more into the remaining unvaccinated younger age groups, where the numbers are not big enough to push the figures over 2k plus daily.

Norma Foley and Philip Nolan are engaging in pure gaslighting when they say schools are safe. They certainly arenā€™t safe in terms of not catching Covid.

I thought you were fond of Philip Nolan @Cheasty

I always thought he was a spoofer myself.

Make you wonder what is the point of the vaccine passportsā€¦

Clearly natural immunity for relatively young people without underlying health issues below 40 is far superior.

Prior to Delta, the numbers of fully vaccinated people was on the low side too, mate.

The progressive policies in San Fran have certainly helped homelessness. Not a homeless person to be found there.

House prices grand and low too


The picnics on the sidewalks outside the restaurants in San Fran wonā€™t be as family friendly

I was out Sunday night in Limerick, wasnt asked for papers at all which was great. Went to a couple of pubs. Wonā€™t name them owing to curtain twitchers here.

Really enjoyable night and with regards to the people I was with, everyone is still alive to tell the tale.

Incredible stuff.


What part of Ivor Cummins being a huckster and a shyster do you not get? You are lining his pockets. How do you feel about lining the pockets of Tiny Pharma?

IC is also lying about excess mortality rates. For instance:

How do you feel about people telling lies in order to line their pockets? Are such thiefs better or worse, in ethical terms, than people who advocate vaccinating under 18s for a virus?


Journal.ieā€¦ah shtop.

What do you think of Ivor Cummins?

I thought his piece with regards to a covid outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship was interesting back in Spring 2020.

I wouldnt have a strong positive or negative opinion of him to be honest. on the other hand - Iā€™ve no time for them.

Factcheckers - what a joke.

In other words: you have nothing substantive to say.

Can you contradict what that article claims in factual terms? If you cannot, why did you contribute to this thread?

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Surely this new rule for schools on not testing asymptomatic close contacts is as close to a declaration of OIUTF/itā€™s all a cod/done with covid as weā€™re ever going to get?


Heā€™s certainly spoofing and gaslighting on this. The government have made the political decision that schools are opening come hell or high water. Nolan has let himself be used to put a scientific sheen on it.

I hope for his sake he can sleep.

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Nobody should ever pay attention to what you post. Because itā€™s unadulterated bollocks.

If I wanted to read The Gateway Pundit I would. I donā€™t.

I mean youā€™re still telling us that the people to listen to are Sunetra Gupta, Michael Levitt, Ioannidis and Martin Ghouldorff. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: