Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It is a declaration of deliberate let it rip. It’s a literal mass experiment, it’s immoral and it’s a disgrace.

You are in good company with the village idiot, two absolute spoofers with zero education or background in science or medicine. Yet you both spoof as if you were experts and quote the Farmers Journal and obscure Twitter nutcases.

Ioannidis, Gupta, Levitt, Kulldorff and Bhattachatya have been mostly right, nobody has been absolutely right on everything during the pandemic, even myself. The people who have been most wrong are the Independent SAGE nutcases that you worship, the people only too happy to destroy society in their lust for power. Thankfully they are now being ignored, at least in the UK.


You’re against vaccine mandates and mandatory testing to enter business premises? Quelle sur-fucking-prise.

One of the hilarious things about self proclaimed libertarians is how they dispense with the core tenets of libertarianism when it suits them.

The freedom to implement vaccine mandates is a stopped clock moment for lab style libertarianism, the only type that can exist. It is correct as regards vaccine mandates. Business should have the freedom to implement vaccine mandates.

And the state is also correct to implement them.

Basic. Public. Health.

Of course you want to do away with a core tenet of libertarianism in this case for one reason and one reason only. It doesn’t suit you.

Like all but the most naive libertarians, you don’t actually believe in libertarianism at all. You use it as a front for the legitimation of right wing tyranny, which you cloak as fake “freedom”. In this case, the fake “freedom” of people to infect others with a killer virus. The freedom of the bully.

Actual tyranny.

I think anyone would admit our authorities have erred well on the side of conservative in covid though so there must be some information they have that’s leading them to this decision. Ive never argued with you on this and have no skin in the game but there is possibly a chance you might be wrong ?

Whatever you do here Cheasty, do not admit your wrong. Your cunt of the year award depends on it

Ioannidis predicted there would be no more than 10k deaths from Covid in the US. This presumably is what your hubristic, fantastical and most of all WRONG boast that the US under Trump would handle Covid with ease and minimal death was based on.

You still think Ioannidis was correct in this prediction, don’t you? You really do.

Of course he wasn’t. But because his ego is so planet sized - as is yours - he could not do the responsible, honest thing and just admit he wasn’t even in the correct galaxy as regards his prediction, and his blasé dismissal of the pandemic helped to cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

Now he’s only taken seriously by cranks, because he made the voluntary decision to retreat to the safe space of right-wing crackpottery.

Levitt claimed in March 2020 that the pandemic had burned out in China, not through any human action like strict lockdown, that it had just burned out of its own accord. On May 10th, 2020 in the Sunday Independent he claimed that the pandemic in Ireland would burn out in two weeks.

Just a wee bit wrong there.

Now you’re still maintaining he was correct.

Gupta claimed over half of Britain’s population had already caught Covid on March 24th, 2020. Again, a dog on the street could see this was a galaxy away from the reality. You claimed there and then that she was correct. A dog on the street could see Gupta was a corrupt, bought and paid for Myron Ebell type climate crisis denier equivalent for Covid. That she was pushing political propaganda to benefit business and propagandise against lockdowns and saving lives. A ghoul.

You still think her propaganda was correct.

Why. Because you live in an alternate universe.

Bhattacharya is another let it rip and to hell with vaccines merchant. Ghouldorff thinks he’s in Afghanistan. And the Taliban would be proud of him.

You based your oh so confident predictions and dismissals of the seriousness of this pandemic on absolute bollocks, absolute right-wing think tank, right wing political propaganda bollocks.

And as your worldview has collapsed spectacularly, and as your hilariously outsized ego, backed by nothing more than a terminal dullness, gullibility and inability to think, has been unable to deal with you being completely wrong yet again - the habit of a lifetime so you should be well used to the feeling, you have retreated ever deeper into the alternate reality you have created as a comfort blanket.

Coping mechanisms, coping mechanisms.

You predicted catastrophe in the UK after their freedom day and 4,000 cases a day in Ireland or worse by now, so maybe lay off criticizing others.

The difference between you and all the scientists you comment on is they are all highly qualified in their fields and you are an uneducated moron, a monkey tapping a keyboard.

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The only rights you are defending are the rights of the ignorant bully to infect others.

That’s tyranny.

A few questions.

i) Are you in favour of vaccinations for 12 and up? They have been approved in the US.

ii) Vaccines for ages 5-11 will be approved in the US soon. If and when that happens, will you you be in favour of it?

iii) Do you still consider vaccinating children to be the act of a “monster”, as you claimed the other day? Or do you retract the comment?

I am in favor of parents deciding whether to vaccinate their children or not, in consultation with their doctor.


i have comprehensively set out the very sensible reasoning for why Gupta, Ghouldorff, Bahttacharya, Levitt and Ioannidis are corrupt crackpots. That’s exactly what they are.

The UK is averaging 150 deaths a day. That is a catastrophe in the era of mass vaccinations. That’s the equivalent of a Piper Alpha disaster every day.

You place no value on life, so obviously you’re fine with it.

At the same time, you’re simultaneously peddling increasingly anti-vaccine disinformation. You now appear to think vaccines are useless and you’re calling the vaccination of children “monstrous”.

Are your children vaccinated for measles?

Yesterday you were calling those who advocate that children get vaccinated “monsters”.

That cannot not include the parents of those children who get vaccinated. By definition it has to include them.

What is your evidence that children should not be vaccinated? What is your reasoning?

All I’ve heard from you so far has been nonsense.

You must be confused again, I have no issue with any parent getting their children vaccinated, it is their decision. Not some nutcase on the Internet.

Factcheckers with the comments closed. No one can pick holes in their lies


But you called them “monsters”.

So obviously you have a problem.

If you were taking the decision as to whether or not to vaccinate your hypothetical 12 year old child, what would your decision be? What would you recommend, even?

My distinct impression is you are now peddling the disinformation that vaccines do not reduce transmission. Is this the case? Are you claiming this?

They do reduce transmission, by the way.

Factcheckers that just check the narrative that they are against arent really as balanced as they think.

Anyone can claim they have facts. They’re not true unless you can stand over the data in an argument. A serious lack of allowing discussion is a major problem these days


God bless President Trump for leading the creation of the vaccine.

Former Vice President Biden was given a vaccine and a vaccination programme, and has somehow managed to mess that up. Horribly high infection numbers in the U.S.

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We owe our future to Donald Trump

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President Trump has saved the world from the virus.

1500 people die each day in the UK, and every death is a sad event for the families involved. Roughly 450 a day die from heart disease and 400 a day from cancer, I would call those numbers fairly catastrophic, 950 deaths a day from diseases that are in many cases preventable.

What is it that the UK should be doing now in your opinion to reduce Covid deaths? Keeping in mind that 82% of recent Covid cases are vaccinated. You do realize that between those vaccinated and those who have had Covid, the UK adult population is close to 100% protected.

Who is it exactly that kids are endangering? The 100% of adults that have antibodies?

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