Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

As I said you are confused, please post up where I called anyone a monster.

The science says that the vaccines are not reducing transmission with the Delta variant. Read the studies from MA, Vietnam and the latest from the University of Oxford

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Most of the spread is the vaccinated who were led to believe by the CDC earlier this year that they could not get infected and could not transmit the virus to others. They assumed they were safe which turned out to be wrong.

A major problem during this pandemic has been the politicisation of science by the worldwide right wing.

Science has generally always existed in an esoteric sphere, away from the eyes of the masses. That has now changed.

But science has itself always been politicised by the right. Climate crisis denial, the denial of the link between smoking and cancer, these were the favoured avenues for the international right wing in its quest to spread pseudoscience.

This pandemic has thrust science into the eyes of the masses. And so the pseudoscientists and grifters (Cummins, Neary et. al), the bought and paid for scientists (Gupta, Ghouldorff, Bhattacharya) the propagandist scientists and doctors (Malone, Kory, Weinstein, Lawrie), the scientists and doctors with planet sized egos who made grandiose predictions and whose ego prevented them from admitting they were completely wrong (Ioannidis and Levitt), these have become the new tools - and they are tools, massive fucking tools - of the worldwide right wing culture war.

The bullshit preprint has become another weapon. Bullshit preprints which claim lockdowns didn’t work (an obviously right wing political propagandist position, not science based), bullshit preprints which claim vaccines are dangerous or ineffective, bullshit preprints which claim myocarditis as the new Red Scare, bullshit preprints which deny Long Covid, bullshit preprints which claim effectiveness for Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

All bullshit, all quickly pulled apart, and all still widely quoted by right wing culture warriors who are active enemies of truth.

Doctors are supposed to be biased by the way. They’re supposed to be biased in favour of their patients and saving lives.

The worldwide right wing bullshit machine now holds they should be agnostic on that position, or even outright reject it.

It is terrifying.

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It’s all contained right there in that post, buddy.

The real world evidence says that vaccinated people do not spread SARS CoV-2 at the same rate as the unvaccinated.

They reduce transmission.

Again. The facts.

Everything is right wing according to you. The left shot their pants while under the bed. What about us in the middle ground who were sensible and saw the bullshit on both sides? Without culture wars or social media covid would have never been so big and all the bullshot that happened. It would have been done. Yes people would have died but the vaccine would come along and drastically stopped that.


Fucking hell. The denial of the link between smoking and cancer…who denies this.

An absolute fucking lunatic.


The science as in actual studies conducted using the scientific method say vaccinated and unvaccinated are now getting infected in equal numbers and the viral load of the vaccinated is the same as the unvaccinated. Those claiming otherwise are basing it on anecdotal evidence or using pre Delta data.

Now post up where I called anyone a monster regarding vaccination?

Maybe a smoker?

You might want to consider how much time you waste responding to that person.

Just saying …

It’s important that his uneducated bullshit is rejected.

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How may people die in France each day? When Islamists went on the rampage in 2015, that was your prompt to call for the banning of all Islam.

But now we know it wasn’t the deaths that prompted that. 150 deaths that wouldn’t have otherwise have happened when they did don’t spare you a thought.

Covid endangers kids. Overwhelmingly so more than vaccines do.

And Covid in children spreads. To their parents, to their grandparents. As long as Covid circulates, it will keep killing people - because the vaccines, great as they are, are not foolproof, they cannot save everybody, especially in mass spread situation, which Britain is still in.

The notion that children should not be vaccinated is only an ideological one, it is only a pro-business, Lord Of The Flies. It is not scientific and it rejects public health. It rejects the chance to save those daily 150 lives that are being lost in Britain.

Which could be saved, with common sense public health precautions. But hey, pints.

Anything I call right wing is right wing. Believe me, I know my onions on this, and everything I’ve said on the subject of right wing propaganda for five years or more has been proved correct.

Those who do not want to listen cannot be persuaded with facts, truth and reality.

Banning of radical Islam, closing Islamic centers that preached hate against the west and deport Imams preaching hate. I agree with Sam Harris on this. You can’t get anything right.

What do you think Indonesia should be doing different to reduce Covid deaths?

Vaccination will not prevent infection and transmission. Why can’t you absorb this? Why do you think so many people are getting infected in the UK when literally 100% of the adult population have antibodies?

Left wing propaganda is far more damaging to humans and humanity, unless you believe China is some kind of utopia. Sadly the west is now going the way of China, oppressive government surveillance, no opposition or even dissenting opinion allowed. It’s quite disturbing.

And forcing people to shut their businesses and lock them into their homes isn’t right wing. Gobbels would be proud of the propaganda fed to the public over the last 18 months. Most people ate it up like chocolate flavoured shite.

This wouldn’t have happened 20 years ago. Because you don’t agree with something doesn’t make it right wing. Somethings maybe but most things that people disagree with have no political basis. Like public policy and questioning data fed by “offical” sources.


All opposition is now labelled as right wing.

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The Great Barrington Declaration is straight from Tobacco lobby and climate crisis denial tactics.

You are right wing. You wanted to let Covid rip on an unvaccinated population. You still do. And you repeat all the same bullshit libertarian tropes that @Tierneevin1979 does. That is right wing. It is Lord Of The Flies stuff.

It is slightly heartening that you see it as an insult - but what you believe is the very definition of fascism.

It is up to you realise the reality of that statement. I do not care if I offend you. I will always state the truth without fear of offending people.

Fuck you’re right. Those are all the same things. Apologies for questioning you.

That’s just a wall of text. You called for a ban on all Islam. That’s fascism.

Isn’t it?