Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

More nonsense about China. Nobody here supports China, you idiot.

You support no limits on free speech (apart from left wing speech, which you appear to favour censorship of pretty much the entirety of, and the banning of Islam).

You support zero media regulation.

That right there is a carte blanche for Nazi-style propaganda and every type of right wing disinformation. Your ideology is why America is in the state itā€™s in and why itā€™s democracy is under mortal threat from the party of Q. Have a think about it.

You say tomato I say potato. Say what you want about me but I know culture war BS. What might be old left wing values are now right wing as I donā€™t conform to the new ā€œleftā€ wing values that we all have to follow and not question. Fall in line or your out. Sure make all the right wingers wear a marker so we know they are bad people. I know what I believe in. Mostly on the left and maybe slightly on the right on others. But I donā€™t follow a narrative blindly as it has to fit the left/right narrative. Remember ypu are the one banging on about right wing conspiracy when a majority of posters here see the BS we are told


You are utterly clueless about it, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Seriously, youā€™re fucking clueless about it.

Read this and learn.

Itā€™s a perfect description of what you are.

You and your ilk would love a China style regime, you crave it.

I support the banning of actual hate speech, you know like openly campaigning for death to infidels. Other than that I do not support restricting free speech.

You support radical Islam and support totalitarianism.

Case in point. Everyone to the right of you is far right, which is everyone.


You canā€™t see the irony in everything you are posting? The far left that you are associating yourself woth are employing the same tactics of emotional manipulation and socialisation of narratives that the national socialist party did in Germany in the 1930s. They too claimed to be socialist.

Anyway this is the covid tread so Iā€™ll get back on point. Itā€™s a cod


And they came to power after a decade long deep recession, most likely where we are headed. History may not repeat but it rhymes.

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And a pandemic. We are fuck

You just make a fool of yourself when you shriek this shit.

You genuinely and seriously called for the banning of Islam.

And you never retracted it. Itā€™s all there, in all its actual totalitarian hatefulnessā€¦ November 2015.

Again, the rantings of a blithering idiot. A moron.

Hereā€™s the reality. We cannot safely get back to full life as we knew it pre-pandemic without a higher rate of vaccination than we have now. Ireland has done brilliantly so far as regards vaccinations, and it is standing us in good stead currently, but we are not yet fully open, people are still rightly afraid, pubs and cafes are either still closed or poorly patronised. Such low levels of economic activity are not sustainable in the long run. But neither is life with the virus rampaging. The virus is likely to rampage through schools, and the rate we have is not enough. As long as thing is circulating widely, weā€™re in trouble. And even when all ages are vaccinated - if they are - it could still be tricky.

You say Covid 19 is a cod. The Economist magazine says over 15 million people are dead from this pandemic. My father included. I know itā€™s not a cod, through long months of grief and the brutal manner in which it was inflicted - no hospital visits for three weeks, a closed coffin, buried in a bag, four people at the funeral. That is grief which Iā€™m very much still experiencing.

Thatā€™s the difference between me and others here. I know what Iā€™m talking about. Youse, with all due respect, havenā€™t a bullā€™s notion.


I am mainstream left. You are extreme right. On pretty much every subject one can think of. And getting more extreme by the day. You have retreated into a full blown alternate reality.

Anybody living in a reality based world can see that within the blinking of an eye.

Was Trotsky mainstream left?

Hitler would be mainstream right today. And youā€™d likely be cheering him on. I mean your rhetoric is the exact same as his. And I say that with total seriousness. It is.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever agree with your view on covid @Cheasty ,

But I am sorry for your loss. I think everyone else on here is as well.

Try and take it easy.


Hitler was a socialist like yourself. As was Mussolini. And Stalin obviously. And Main have I forgotten any of your heroes?

As with all raving mad extreme right lunatics, you believe ahistorical fantasies.

Did you really think it was a good idea to model your posting style on the ā€œmanifestoā€ (ie. appallingly written hate-filled insanity) of Anders Behring Brievik?

You did, didnā€™t you?

Whatā€™s the difference between what he wrote and what you do?

Seriously? Whatā€™s the difference?

The difference is I am not a psychopath. I am a mainstream centrist. Like the great majority of Irish Americans.

Seriously deranged post by the way.

I note that you didnā€™t claim a difference of views to him.

The following is exactly like something you would write.

Itā€™s Breivik who wrote it. Obviously. Insane drivel.

But it is exactly like something you would write. And you know it. Youā€™ve written this sort of stuff more times than I would care to imagine.

Itā€™s interesting that you are a student of Breivik.

I certainly am not. I decided to find out a bit about what he wrote there a few minutes ago because my cursory memory of hearing about it and reading references to it in books in the years since was that it was extremely similar to what you write.

Remember that you yourself have previously said a read of Mein Kampf was worthwhile. And maybe you were correct.

It is always best to know your enemy and what they think.

Hereā€™s some more of what Breivik wrote. I found this just from a very quick skim through.

Again, it could easily come from straight off your keyboard.

And by jaysus you should have a good oulā€™ think about that.