Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Or maybe heā€™s just able to write and thereā€™s some link between psychopaths and the writing profession.


And there we have it. 93% is not enough.

Look I truly am sorry for the loss of your father. Irregardless of the circumstances its one of the worst things to happen. I lost my father a few years back but that doesnā€™t mean I know what you are going through nor can anyone else as it is your grief. Everyone will experience this differently.

I could blame external forces for what occurred, blame the GP for not referring him for further tests earlier, years of smoking or stress of being a victim of 2008 recession. But the reality is cancer is an awful disease. I saw first hand how vulnerable someone truly is and when it was protect the vulnerable it was no different to that time for me. Sensible decision around any illness. Same for the vaccine.

Where we differ on the topic of covid is in my opinion you donā€™t want anyone to suffer like you or your family has over the past few months. I understand that point of few for that reason. Eliminate the threat completely. The way I see it is, those at a high risk already take precautions for all illnesses when medically vulnerable. Anyone with common sense would know to be mindful if they know someone that is vulnerable and take the correct personal responsibility. This is why I oppose the blanket restriction. People know what is required based on circumstances and not be treated like children by the state.

I am not saying you are wrong as we both want the same outcome but we disagree completely on the method


Time to let it go lads

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Ironically he is more right wing than everyone on here due to his utter intolerance to any opposing view and his inability to discuss these matters like an adult.

Misrepresenting other views is classic right wing behaviour and itā€™s all he seems capable.

A certified lunatic who has a one way ticket to the nutty house.


Wear your mask you Aussie cunt

John Unionist - sorry, I mean @Tierneevin1979 - would prefer to blame the entire CNR and only the entire CNR community of the North for Covid there.

But not Anne McCloskey.

We do not have 93% vaccinated. We have 73%.

73% is not enough.

Cancer is an awful disease.

But there isnā€™t a worldwide far right political and pseudoscience lobby trying to perpetuate cancerā€™s spread (at least I donā€™t think so, at least not any more - they used to).

Whereas there is a rapacious right wing politics and pseudoscience bullshit machine trying to perpetuate Covidā€™s spread.

And every single one of them should rot in hell for it.

And that includes a lot of posters here.

Anders Behring Breivik wasnā€™t a writer by profession.

But he was a far right mass murderer who wrote the exact same things you do.

He did what he did because the logical endpoint of his beliefs is terror. There is no safe dose of these ā€œbeliefsā€. They are hatred of the other distilled in its purest form. And in this case ā€œthe otherā€ wasnā€™t even non-white people. It was a youth group for the Norwegian equivalent of the Labour Party.

Iā€™m sorry for your loss Sid. I truly am. I understand some of your pain. Weā€™ve had both parents in hospital over the last 18 months without being allowed visit. I know how that feels. We lost our dad. My dad was the opposite of yours. He didnā€™t get covid. But I sat and listened as the doctor from the heart support unit in Beaumont told us that the inactivity of my father due to lockdown was a major contributory factor in his death. They say itā€™s heartbreaking watching so many people die much quicker than they might due to such a steep drop in activity and engagement. Itā€™s the shitty flipside of your argument. The not getting covid is killing people too.
Unfortunately, our grief doesnā€™t make us any more expert on this than anybody else.


Why do you think we had lockdowns and restrictions? For fun?

Why do you think we have a such a comparatively low death rate for Covid? Why are our excess deaths so low overall in comparison to other countries?

And why did our excess deaths post May 2020 happen when we werenā€™t locked down and did let it rampage?

You know what those who proposed to let Covid rip proposed? They proposed a much greater form of lockdown for those in older age groups. They called it ā€œfocussed protectionā€. It was a deliberate lie.

My fatherā€™s activity never dropped during lockdown. I made sure of it.

But do you know what will keep older people in general inactive? More Covid in the community.

Because how can older people - and I mean that in a broad sense - live with any sort of confidence when itā€™s rampaging - even if theyā€™re vaccinated?

On this forum we now have a cohort of posters who are telling us not to vaccinate children because they say having Covid rampaging in the community is just fine.

It isnā€™t fine because as well as causing long lasting health problems for a lot of children, it spreads to older groups.

Lockdowns donā€™t work.


They are highly effective at breaking the spirit and will of weak men. Theyā€™ve created an entire army of Stockholm Syndrome sufferers, demanding more and more restrictions. Itā€™s fascinating to watch.


Fuck thatā€™s some smack.

He should sue the cunts for millions.

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The victim of this attack later died of a brain haemorrhage

No. We had lockdowns and restrictions to stop the spread of a deadly virus we knew very little about.
We k ow a lot about it now and have huge preventative measures. It will be here forever most likely. So itā€™s about the sliding scale of when we let people go back to normal while trying to maintain levels of protection. You are at one extreme of that scale. Iā€™d be much more central. How you deal with everybody at other points on that scale is up to you. But you dont do debate well. You do screaming. Like the locked dude in a pub shouting shit. Nobody listens to the screamers.


You didnā€™t deal with my points.

Deiberately misrepresenting people, calling somebody ā€œextremeā€ with no reason whatsoever, and ā€œa screamerā€ ironically comes across as exactly that - extremism and screaming.

Itā€™s just dumb labelling - and thatā€™s not debate.

What exactly is extreme about my position?

And what about the numerous posters who actually do scream constantly and dish out constant personal abuse - at me?

Anything to say about them?

Incidentally, you say we have huge preventative measures. But we are abolishing them all in less than a month. That does seem a good way of having Covid here forever.

Whatā€™s your solution so?

Vaccination for all ages, we will obviously have to wait for vaccination to be approved for the younger cohort. A multi-pronged approach including masking, mass testing, work from home where possible, retention of close contact guidelines, short term economic supports for those who suspect they have Covid, vaccine passports/Corona passes, retention of social distancing guidelines.

Personally if I had children of school going age I would be doing everything humanly possible to keep them out of the place at the moment, at least until they were vaccinated. To me the claims that schools are safe is pure gaslighting. They cannot be safe. They are indoor spaces with poor ventilation and a high concentration of unmasked people. Covid flows through the path of least resistance - the highest aged unvaccinated cohort - and thatā€™s currently children of school going age.

I presume @Juhniallio will just dismiss this post as screaming. Much easier that way.

You donā€™t have children though and you donā€™t get to tell other people what they should do with their children. You need to reconcile yourself with that because it seems to be driving you crazy. Most of the western world has decided to try to get back to living a somewhat normal life and thereā€™s only a small group of people, of which you are one, who oppose this. You can keep writing essay after essay to labane and screaming and roaring at other posters and quoting murdering psychopaths but it wonā€™t change the course of where the world wants to go now and it really doesnā€™t seem to be good for you either. Spend less time on the internet and more with your friends. It will do you the world of good.