Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Heā€™s a fascist.

Heā€™s utterly intolerant to views that arenā€™t his own.

A jumped up little Hitler.

I donā€™t have children. So what? Is that supposed to be an ā€œownā€? It just comes across as, you know, screaming.

Doesnā€™t it?

The rest of your post is just concern trolling waffle, the lowest form of posting - which is designed to silence the voices of those you donā€™t like.

If youā€™d make a serious contribution to these threads Iā€™d engage but you donā€™t seem at all capable of that.

Is that ā€œscreamingā€, @Juhniallio?

Whatcha think?

One would call it a fair observation I reckon.

You called in your post for masking, mass testing, wfh where possible, etc. All of this is already happening. The only thing that isnā€™t happening that you called for is vaccinating children and that is because this has not been approved but this seems to be driving you round the edge. Do you think we should start vaccinating all ages even though it has not been tested and has not been approved? Is that what you are so angry about? It probably will be approved in the coming weeks and months and then because of people like you it will become mandatory to vaccinate children or else they will be denied education. Itā€™s only a few weeks or months away so stop driving yourself cracked and stop polluting this forum with the poisonous tripe youā€™ve been posting for the last 2 days.


Most restrictions are being abolished on October 22nd. You do realise this, yes?

These are also the same restrictions that the likes of you have angrily shouting against for the whole duration the pandemic, as far as I can see. But these are the same restrictions that has our case numbers and deaths as low as they are.

Now youā€™re claiming that I propose vaccinating children in younger age groups for whom the vaccine hasnā€™t yet been approved - before it is approved for them?

Now thatā€™s screaming.

Youā€™d be much better off to just address any posts to me with the words ā€œI donā€™t like youā€, because that seems to be about the sum total of the message your responses to me.

There certainly has been precious little in the way of actual debate or dealing with points coming from you.

Do you think vaccines donā€™t work ?

Why would a person who is vaccinated have to socially distance or stay at home or indeed wear a mask indefinitely especially if they are in places without unvaccinated people

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Are you suggesting that I think vaccines donā€™t work?

I asked you a question that you didnā€™t answer.

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Iā€™ll give my view in response to your question if you clarify whether or not you are suggesting that I am suggesting vaccines donā€™t work?

Where have I ever suggested anything to that effect?

18 months solid.

Those lads in China who ate the bats have no idea what they created.


They should be made read every corona virus thread on here from the beginning to the end as punishment.


Most of Europe has already removed the restrictions that remain in Ireland. Most of Europe compares favourably to Ireland on infection levels.

Ireland has taken a more cautious approach, which you supported, and has seen that the spike as restrictions were removed was not as bad as feared. After seeing the evidence of what has happened here and the fact that our best comparator countries have removed restrictions and been relatively ok, surely itā€™s reasonable for Ireland to proceed with further relaxing?

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Our experts and leaders on this disagree and see schools as safe to return to. Surely we have to accept this?

Iā€™ll accept that this is something unquantifiable but the importance of schools as a safe space for at risk children is enormous, how do you weigh that relative risk?

I think itā€™s pure gaslighting. Even a quick look at what has happened in England shows that their public confidence on this is baseless.

The only thing they could possibly be banking on is low overall infection levels. But weā€™re throwing off all restrictions in four weeks.

As it is, policy is effectively ā€œgo to school and take one for the team. Itā€™ll be grand.ā€ Thatā€™s not responsible policy. Itā€™s dishonest.

Ireland has higher spike rates than some European countries with less restrictions and lower vaccination rates.

What the zero covid mentalists want us to believe is that nobody is ever allowed die of Covid now and donā€™t even get me started about the arbitrary recording of Covid deaths.

But funnily enough the zero Covid mentalists were happy of people to die of winter flu every year.

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Lets Go Action GIF by Nickelodeon

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They donā€™t share a land border with the United Plaguedom.

You can relax restrictions while putting safeguards in. I think itā€™s wrong for other countries to not do that. Itā€™s a gamble. I donā€™t like gambling with Covid.

Why the need to call everything gaslighting?

Ireland has taken an extremely cautious approach all through, is it really reasonable to think that weā€™re now abandoning best interests of children?

In terms of the restrictions weā€™re removing, comparable countries have removed them months ago and yet have had better outcomes than us. Surely that is good evidence to be confident that we can remove these restrictions?

I donā€™t think your border argument stands up to scrutiny.

If you look at the map of Europe just now Germany is red and Denmark is green. Northern Italy is green and shares a border with the south of France which is red. Austria red, Czech Republic green. Iā€™m not aware of any border restrictions between these countries.

All this knocks out your border argument.