Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Exactly which “definitive pronouncements”?

You’re telling me we have to maintain restrictions that other countries have removed, in some cases months ago. You have nothing to support this, bar, “the border”.

“Gaslighting” etc etc. The general doomsaying.

The insistence that we must maintain restrictions when the evidence from elsewhere shows that their removal has not had adverse effects.

Oh I think we should. Because otherwise you’re gambling. Why is it clever to gamble when you can maintain some sensible public health measures which don’t hugely inconvenience people?

I mean it’s like saying that you shouldn’t wear a seat belt.

Do you think there’s any point where going to school physically for social reasons as well as educational reasons is more important than the risk of contracting Covid?

Norway to end restrictions: ‘We can now live as normal’

Updated / Friday, 24 Sep 2021 11:48

The Norwegian Prime Minister said: ‘Now the time has come to return to a normal daily life’

Norway will reopen society tomorrow, ending pandemic-curbing restrictions that have limited social interaction and hobbled many businesses.

“It is 561 days since we introduced the toughest measures in Norway in peacetime … Now the time has come to return to a normal daily life,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg told a news conference.

The decision to no longer require social distancing will allow culture and sports venues to utilise their full capacity, rather than just a portion of seats, while restaurants can fill up and nightclubs reopen.

Ms Solberg had so far implemented the first three stages of a four-step plan to remove social and economic restrictions imposed since March of last year, but the final step was postponed several times amid worries over infection rates.

“In short, we can now live as normal,” Ms Solberg said.

About 76% of all Norwegians have now received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, while 67% of the population is fully vaccinated according to the Institute of Public Health.

“I want to say: thank you very much Norway,” the Prime Minister added.

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The same as Roses in Spain where most people speak French and you will be greeted in French in almost every establishment. You would have similar scenarios in Belgium & Netherlands and in Germany & Austria and in Switzerland and numerous countries as well as in the Balkans. Loads of interaction and daily border crossings between communities. To say otherwise is just a blatant lie.


We all know that but our resident loon has no moral compass when it comes to the outright lies and misinformation he spreads to support his crackpot theories.

You would wonder why people feel the need to gaslight others, you really would.


I asked what “definitive pronouncements”?

You haven’t provided any.

“Gaslighting” is a description of the public messaging that is coming from the Government and the likes of Philip Nolan as regards schools.

They are gaslighting. They’re not in a position to say schools are safe and they know they aren’t. I mean that’s textbook gaslighting.

If you’re talking about doomsaying, I haven’t been engaging in any. Saying it as it is about schools is not doomsaying. It’s pointing out the obvious.

Now there are a few posters I can think of who are engaging in doomsaying. At least two posters here are openly predicting that a new super variant will occur because of vaccines. One of them is openly talking about antibody dependent enhancement and telling us “we could be fucked”, and by fucked, he means proper fucked.

All of this based on fringe extremists who are dismissed by pretty much the entirety of the scientific community.

Now that’s actual doomsaying. Have you called that? I sure haven’t seen you do so. You seem far more offended at my entirely reasonable analysis.


See what I mean about definitive pronouncements?

It’s isn’t like saying you shouldn’t wear a seatbelt at all.

It isn’t gambling. Most of the most directly comparable countries to us (that is, all of the EU, not Israel and not the UK) have already removed all of these restrictions. Many of them for quite some time. We’ve seen how it has progressed.

So it’s not gambling, you’re definitively wrong on that point.

I have a good few people on ignore so I don’t really know what you’re on about. It seems like whataboutery, why can’t we stick to the points we’re discussing?

I asked this a while back twice I’d be interested in the response.

No I don’t.

It is.

It is gambling.

“Definitively”. Now that’s a definitive pronouncement. And based on absolutely nothing, except, some other countries are doing something, so it must be right.

During the pandemic, that has been a very silly thing to believe.

I read somewhere that their government accepted that lockdowns were futile and apologised to the Norwegian people…they might just have been trolling lads on tfk


When you’re vaccinated.

I’ve also asked why were our resident lunatics like Mike Hunt and Sid so at ease with people dying from winter flu on an annual basis without any call from them for societal restrictions? Just a bit of obfuscation is all you get.

If only we had designed a test for flu and arbitrarily assigned deaths of sick and unwell people to a positive flu test within 28 days of their death…

Oh the irony

You avoided the question, again.