Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Even direct answers to questions don’t satisfy you. It’s really weird. You’re some whinger.

The Dutch and Belgian border runs inside individual houses in some parts


Ah yeah there’s lots and lots of examples of the same around Europe but shur you can say any oul shite on the Internet and then just walk away from it when you’re pulled up on it.



Yeah but they don’t actually go from one side of the house to the other. Very little mixing. Apparently.

“The idea that herd immunity can only be reached with vaccines is perhaps the most laughable idea to be heavily promulgated during the pandemic, at least to everyone with even a little knowledge of immunology and history. Eighteen months in to the pandemic, most countries are at or on the cusp of herd immunity, regardless of how effective they have been at vaccinating their populations. There is no need to force the remaining 15-30% of the population to take a vaccine they don’t want. The end of the pandemic is in sight.”


I look forward to the usual crazies trying to denigrate his character because he said something they disagree with.

The “MD” bit will send them around the edge though. They’d rather support the views of architects.


You’ve to quarantine for two weeks if you’ve been to the kitchen


It’s gas the quotes they come with.

150 people a day are dying of covid! The humanity! Checks notes… 1,700 people die every day anyway and no one knows if these 150 people are 89+ with a dodgy ticker on their last legs. But covid! Vaccinate 4 year olds! Mentallers.

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its a cult at this stage with them

I presume the next time some Islamist blows himself up or ploughs a truck into some poor unfortunates wherever and kills 80, you’ll brush it all off with a cool “who cares, baby?”


What in God’s name are you talking about?

The mental gymnastics you’re displaying about trying to connect viral respiratory disease deaths to terrorist murderers is absolutely bananas.


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I’m calling you out on your idiotic logic.

You’ve already said that 150 lives a day don’t matter.

Yet when Islamist terrorists slaughter a load of innocents, we’ll say 80 or 100 on a particular night, it’s the likes of you and @Tierneevin1979 who are the ones to lose their shit totally and do things like call for the banning of Islam.

Strangely enough that concern doesn’t extend to the 13k gun deaths a year in the US!

Basically, you’re all over the place.

You’ve lost the plot and logic left your thinking and posting a long time. I hope you’re on the wind up

Well I would have presumed you’re on the wind up.

I do presume right, don’t I?

Nobody can genuinely be so stupid as to completely dismiss 150 deaths a day?

Can they?

Are only covid deaths important? Do you take into account the age and health profile of covid deaths?

Have you any concept of proportionality?

The point is that you don’t consider deaths from Covid to be important. Or the potential for them to go up.

Off the charts stupid.

Translation: ‘I am a brain dead prick but I know better than anyone else. I love gourmet food but I hate people who love gourmet food. They are all lefties.’

Translation: ‘I am dealing with advanced middle age by sluicing hatred. I am a non entity, without any distinction whatsoever, a non entity from a family in a slice of Galway whose surname is a byword for pricks and thicks, but I am a wondrous non entity because I hate people. I am fascinated by people far more intelligent than me but I hate them too.’

Translation: I am a late middle aged white man angry about the usual clichĂŠd stuff because I have no personality and no intellect, with nothing in front of me because I lost the ability to learn through genetic ill fortune several generations ago.

I am educated to graduate level in biochemistry and have worked for almost three decades in pharma and biotech. I’ve been involved in many drug discovery projects and involved in clinical trials.

You are a fat headed asshole who writes boring drivel that 5 people read. What the fuck have you accomplished? Rode 1,000 women but couldn’t sire a child, that’s a lot of blanks.

Vaccination does not prevent infection or transmission according to the CDC and numerous studies.

Yourself and Sid have to be the same person or at least attended the same school of “learning”.


It’s like Ferrybank in Waterford