Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Ooft credentials mean nothing on the Internet

Let us welcome Andrea to TFK.


Answer one question for me.

Does vaccination, in your view, have any effect at all on the likelihood of a human to be infected with and to transmit SARS CoV-2?

Yes or no?

It is a very simple and very pertinent question.

And it is a yes or no question.

Iā€™ll give you another chance.

Does vaccination, in your view, have any effect at all on the likelihood of a human to be infected with and to transmit SARS CoV-2? The dominant strain of SAS CoV-2 currently is Delta. So Iā€™ll allow you to answer for Delta alone.

Yes or no?

Jesus :joy:

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You are a poisonous prick, the leavings of several generations of pricks and thicks in a little bit of Connacht. Took but one phonecall to learn my instinct was correct. I like people who have a different opinion to me ā€“ and @glenshane is a gentleman, although I wish he would not counsel error, because decent peopleā€™s opinion is important ā€“ but you are just a boring poisonous prick, just another small mickey merchant on Dah Internet.

See now, and blah the blah, tis like this truth, even for an egomaniac like you: there is only one of me; there are trilions of you. And your sole significance is as a speck in a tilt of economics: you, and the likes of you, make cynical gobshites, from Joe Duffy up and down, wealthy. Your destiny in life is to be a gull, a dupe for geniuses such as George Hook, because stupidity made you unable to deal with middle age.

How does that status feel?

Any time you want to tell me something, I will give you the opportunity to look me in the eye and tell me what you have to say. Any time at all.

Besides, and if nothing else, you are a pretend PIRA man. I have friends and acquaintances who are the very opposite of pretend PIRA men. The likes of you is beyond contempt.

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cc @Fran

leonardo dicaprio reaction s GIF


There you go proving my point, you have learned nothing.

ā€œIā€™ll allow you answerā€ Fuck off you unmerciful egotistical dickhead.

The only thing I would say with certainty at the present time is a lot of people are now getting sick who were fully vaccinated (I personally know dozens in the last month), and many of them are ending up hospitalized. Which is of course the big worry as vaccination is supposed to reduce serious illness by 95-97%.

So I would say in my opinion vaccination reduces the likelihood of infection, but since Delta has taken over that reduction has eroded. If as high as 24% of people hospitalized are fully vaccinated, that erosion of protection would appear to be significant.

There you go again, how pathetic. A man child having a little tantrum because his fat ass has been handed to him.

Go ahead and PM me there and reference my families surname. You wonā€™t though because you are a coward, from a family of piss in the powder cowards.

Trust me on this one you donā€™t want to meet me face to face.

I know exactly who you are ā€“ and your motherā€™s maiden name ā€“ and I could have your address in California in half an hour. Work out yourself how that craic might be the case. You are lucky that I am a nice person from nice people. Genetic luck gave me a lot of things. Genetic ill fortune made you.

You are a pretend PIRA man. That craic leaves contrails.

My goodness, more evidence that you are Sid, a penchant for doxxing.

A ā€œnice personā€ who slurs the good name of my family and parents, both of whom are deceased. I was very lucky to have two wonderful parents, whom I thank every day for the wonderful upbringing they gave me, and the great personal sacrifices they made so I could get a third level education. Humble country people selfless to a fault.

PM my motherā€™s maiden name there like a good lad, happy to confirm it. Iā€™ll send you my address as well to save you the bother.


That isnā€™t very helpful.

So thatā€™s a yes.

My own view is that when there is wide spread among the unvaccinated of all ages - and if you have a large amount of unvaccinated people and no public health measures, Delta Covid will spread a lot, it inevitably spills over to an extent into the vaccinated, with more severe consequences for those who are older.

Great as they are, vaccines are not foolproof, and if there is a lot of Covid going around from the unvaccinated, thatā€™s a lot of chances for a vaccinated person to be infected.

In terms of population level transmission, vaccinated v unvaccinated is like a massive weighing scales with many millions of grains of rice.

Each new fully vaccinated person is a grain of rice transferred from the unvaccinated side to the vaccinated side.

Of course itā€™s not like an ordinary weighing scales in that the tipping point doesnā€™t come until you reach a very, very high proportion of vaccinated people - if indeed it ever does come - but every further vaccinated person is definitely a step further on the road to the end of this.

Sadly for the US its vaccination rates are nowhere near good enough. But I am quietly optimistic that ours will be when we vaccinate all ages.

Portugal is opening fully on October 1st with currently around 83-84% fully vaccinated so I will be looking on with interest to see how they get on.

I am not so sure Norwayā€™s 67% fully vaccinated rate is a wise position from which to be removing all public health measures.

But it isnā€™t public health measures that have the biggest impact on spread, itā€™s the behavior of people. Behavior that you can only somewhat control in western societies. The cohort that recently changed their behavior most are the vaccinated, because they assumed they were safe. Just anecdotally I have had dozens of encounters with people who behaved unsafely and said ā€œIā€™m vaccinated, Iā€™m safeā€.

Almost every adult in the UK has either been vaccinated or has had Covid, if vaccination stopped infection as you are claiming they should be near zero cases. Yes more children are currently getting infected, but most children have no symptoms or mild symptoms.

Letā€™s see how it pans out, Iā€™m not that confident that high levels of vaccination will result in cases plummeting, this virus continues to surprise and I expect it has more surprises in store.

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I think in America most the unvaccinated have never modified their behaviour very much and this is a serious problem.

Vaccinated people may have changed their behaviour but in America they are doing so in an environment where it is not safe because of that large number of unvaccinated people.

Britain is tipping along on a plateau. Winter could act as an upward pulling point over the coming months, but that could be cancelled out by the opposing force of vaccinating all ages.

In Britain the increasing concentration of the virus in the young versus the now much more modest figures for older age groups seems quietly encouraging to me.


Ah lads :joy:




The FBI are on it.

Can you post that when itā€™s published? Hopefully will be as interesting as Samā€™s set up

Cummins has put up a load of correspondence between the two on his page.

Cummins is without doubt coining it in.