Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

No,that doesn’t make any sense. It’s not a societal problem, just an issue for virtue signallers like yourself.

I support Tottenham Hotspur but I wouldn’t take dental advice from Nuno Santo

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I don’t know who that is.

To your earlier point. Of course people can have varying opinions, each should be open to challenge and debate.

However the issue here is that some,let’s not name names, have identified anti vaxxers as ahem, extreme right wing blah de blah
will that opinion hold now?

No all opinions have to be rolled into right or left wing. You have to follow that ideology on everything or your right wing. You can’t have your own opinion that differs to the left wing on individual topics. Its the only way to now live in a free liberal fair world.

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@maroonandwhite entering into a Covid thread. What could go wrong.

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Which is what the Brits were requiring of them. Think they’ve removed the requirement for a test now.

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You have to bring 5 longbow staves now, for the war effort like


Aye,.the forum’s hanging by a thread and along comes @TreatyStones with a bit of peace, love and understanding

Good one

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I’d have your address in half an hour mate


Delete that post , this place will be a ghost town if that message sinks in 

I thought he was a migratory indigenous person. If so, it wouldn’t be easy.

One phone call and I’ll have your name and address in 25 minutes, ONE PHONECALL


Structural inequality is one of the main drivers of BLM.

In New York, African Americans are well below the average vaccinated rates. There are a number of reasons for this, but some reasons include difficulties in finding the time to attend appointments due to work commitments and child care along with a long held distrust of authorities. That is structural inequality 101. Similarly those happiest with children being schooled at home are those with white collar Zoomable jobs, the African American community are far more likely to work in service type jobs where they have to transport to work with others. Again this is structural inequality, with policy choices favouring the existing hierarchy of society.

On the point of inability to access the vaccine, that is quite clearly bullshit given that they have been out for 9 months now and widely available, but the leader of BLM has spoken. You are a racist if you support vaccine mandates and that’s all there is to it.

You see dumb, fake “reasonable” messages like this from time to time. But they essentially deny that there is a worldwide right-wing anti-science propaganda war. They’re denying that reality and they’re denying the reality of the threat it poses. And so are those who repeat them.

It literally is like saying that we should respect Nazis.

Your descent into the black pit of lack of self awareness is starting to accelerate.

Your views are as right wing and anti science as they come.

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You really are a terrible silly Billy altogether, and one of the worst and least self aware projectors I’ve ever come across online.

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Next you’ll be telling me you know my mother’s maiden name.


I know the dog who sired your last puppy đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«

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