Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Leftist nutters in Ireland absolutely obsessed with what happens in America. It’s truly bizarre shit.

Who’d of thunk there were virtuous left wing health providers and sinister right wing health care providers


In the land of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. They hold all the aces.

Glib replies like this strongly indicate you’re absolutely fine with the open fraud of “America’s Frontline Doctors” and others like them.

It doesn’t say much for what sort of a person you are. Dishonest, immoral - I think these would be kind descriptions.

It’s fascinating seeing your entire worldview being exposed as the total car crash it is.

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36 going on 56.

I’m going to say 5k time > 30 minutes.


He looks like a lad who works on a building site that has a breakfast role everday and puts his arse crack on display.

Further update on this.


So effectively:

  • In the u40 category it’s pretty much staying steady if not improving in the death rate per positive case (11 deaths in 110,923 positive cases (1 death per 10,084 positive cases) to 13 deaths in 138,712 positive cases (1 death per 10,670 positive cases)

  • Bulk of positive cases are in the u19 category, no additional deaths recorded in ~20k positive cases since.

  • 220 additional deaths recorded in that time, 99 (45%) of those being 80 or over and 95 being 60-79 (43%) so cumulatively 88% of deaths have been people over the age of 60 in the intervening period.

  • As consistently pointed out, deaths are recorded arbitrarily, criteria is highlighted as above so because someone is recorded as a Covid death, doesn’t mean they died because of Covid, it just means they had it within a defined period of time before they died. No data is supplied stating what underlying health conditions those who are recorded as Covid deaths have.

We can see from this data that it is very clear who the virus is of danger too and who it isn’t of danger. It also shows the ridiculousness of vaccine fascism, the 0-19 age grouping is by far and away the least vaccinated grouping but it has had the lowest death toll since the pandemic, still sitting at 2 and in 20k positive cases in the intervening period, no further deaths have been recorded.


Penny still not dropping.

Mike “I’m a little bit light on detail” in with another stock vague comment to reply to a well informed, substantiated post.

Try reading it a little slower, you might get there yet.

But as we’ve seen, manual labour scares the shit out of so your concentration levels are probably deplorable too.

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Clane bonkers. The airwaves are full of utter wankers clamouring for vaccine passports. The main reasons are that they will feel safer, they’ve done their bit so why should others be allowed out of the house, and it stops the spread of the virus. The general tone is one of entitled soulless misery with an underlying streak of steely gimlet eyednastiness.
Whatever, these are weak people who will be weak no matter how many people they fuck over, how often they delude themselves or how many boosters they receive. If the bug doesn’t get them the vaccine might. Failing that there’s always karma.


Thankfully it seems to only be The Stoops pushing for the vaccine passports at the minute with everyone else being lukewarm to against them.

It’s actually not. Beatty was on this morning, he’s in favour, alliance are in favour in limited circumstances…which means sweet fa, a bit like the alliance. O’dowd and Murphy both say they’ve no problem.

You don’t have the wit to make conclusions on any sort of data. You’ve posted the same thing a few times now as if you’ve uncovered some sort of Covid Holy Grail. Your brain is incapable of reaching any sort of informed opinion because you’re so full of bitterness and anger. Rage away.

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Says the guy who responds to informed, substantiated posts with stock statements.

Hilarious irony but generally a bullshitter like you doesn’t like to get into a battle of detail. At least you can kind of realise the limitations of your below average intelligence to be fair but unfortunately you still overstate it if you think you can fool anyone with such pathetic mutterings.

The floor is yours there if you wish to dispute anything, if you wish to frame a coherent argument, or if you wish to persist humiliating yourself as an empty vessel.

I have no medical qualification, I am not an expert on viruses or vaccines nor do I pretend to be. I have made no predictions on how Covid would play out. You on the other hand stated, amongst orther things that…
India was done with Covid prior to a catastrophic surge.

The vaccine rollout in Ireland would be a shitshow.

You struggled with an online application form that people in their 70s had no issues with.

You were unable to comprehend the term “breakthrough infections”.

You seem to think you’re intelligent, the data suggests otherwise.


cc @mikehunt

Could you please stop biting?

It’s important his ignorance and incorrect predictions on Covid are highlighted.

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I do, but that’s not why I’m right all the time