Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It was a shitshow, it missed every target it set.

I never used the online application form.

You don’t even know what it means or what significance it has. You have the floor here to prove me wrong but you seem to fail every challenge I set you.

I don’t think it. If you were intelligent you’d realise data is evident, what you’ve just made is another vague stock statement. Once again, you have the floor but Mike “I’m a bit light on detail” Hunt doesn’t like to stand behind those empty stock statements.

@mikehunt I really think more cognisance needs to be taken of this revelation…Dame to @iron_mike

The vast majority of your peers disagree with you and the evidence so far appears to have vindicated them.

How would you know?

Well pardon me, I didn’t realise you’d taken a vote.
Besides I was just talking about the fact that I have a medical degree or qualification…I’d actually forgotten about it myself

Regina Doherty and Tomas Ryan went at it on the radio yesterday.


“canny right wingers”

This ladeen is ike a camel of poisonous stupidity heading across a desert of rationality.

You would wonder how it feels to be carrying those hucksters across that desert.

The stupid carry the canny stupid.

Much like her company’s debts, Regina ignoring her country’s deaths.

Rather puts into context this notion: ‘A basketball player tells us everyone should get Covid. Hurrah! Let’s get done with Covid by everyone getting Covid! Hurrah!’

Meanwhile the kango camels can carry the canny hucksters across the desert of rationality to the oasis of grift. Hurrah!

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Wow! Accusing a young black man of spreading disinformation, and lying about him to make a point.

Not just your average psychopath, a middle aged fat white racist psychopath.

This lad…

Tis hard for certain ladeens to accept someone being so galactically more intelligent than they are, a little ill bred ego maniac gobshite from the rushes: ‘You cannot disagree with a black person on anything or you’re a racist! Done with Covid! And done with racism! I voted for Biden, so I did! I love black men, me, so I do! My long time record proves it!’

There is nowhere too low for this lad to stoop. An accusation of racism… Note the appeal to left wing Twitter feeding frenzy criteria.

Now we have kango snowflakes, a quare cargo for any sky.

I love winning these ‘debates’ at my ease, as if being carried in a sedan on a camel. Tis very very funny.

I win, aloft. Tis very very funny.

The Kango Snowflake Party…

You do realise you’re a regional journalist.


You are lying about what a young black man said to make a point. Have a listen to what the man said again and try and understand it this time. I can explain it to you if you are still struggling.

Hint. He is talking about himself, nobody else.

… and there you go insulting my family again. If you knew who I was you would be apologizing, not digging a deeper hole.

I am not a journalist of any kind.

And I am really winning aloft when the ‘riposte’ is that you are wrong because you are a candlestick maker. Needless to add, you are far too stupid even to own your own logic.

You do realize you a fuckwit on Dah Internet? Have a lie down.

What do you do in real life? Service forklifts?

What kind of a car do you drive? What does next door drive?

Oh dear

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A provincial hack.


Here he goes, making a further tool of himself.

Ego is an awful yoke, especially from a woefully ill bred out and out racist – read the posts over years – scaldy gobshite from the rushes.

“a young black man”

The toxic right wing are pure queasily childish and stupid – and quite a bit besides. A lot of psychic disturbance comes out here.

The Kango Snowflake Andrea Leadsome Party…

Done with intelligence!

“ill bred”

There you go again, can’t help yourself. The offer I made a few days ago is still open. PM me and I will tell you who I am and give you my address. You can send over the San Fran Kilkenny mafia to my house and we can get this sorted very quickly.