Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Says a brain dead speak your weight machine, whose sole gift is a sort of lobotomized capacity for repetition. Another spectrum candidate.

‘I want absolute freedom! So I want Putin!’

‘I am a depressive. So I fantasize about control by being for nothing and against everything except a state so overarching I would no longer have to do anything.’

Mother Ireland really rears them.

This lad…

Humiliating himself again. And the ego preventing the postman from coming to the door.

Your hubris being pricked has made you very prickly.

Run along now. Bring your lolling Labrador @carryharry with you.

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Oh no it has not. And everyone sees what happened.

A fuckwit on Dah Internet got shredded.

‘pricked’/‘prickly’… What attracted you to those words?

What car does the wife drive? A Prius?

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Want to know what humiliation is?

How about being so badly beaten in an Internet argument that you have to repeatedly result to disparaging and insulting a posters family, claiming to know them, claiming to know their dead mother’s maiden name, and threatening to doxx them. You are a psychopath.

The offer is still open, if you had any balls you would take it up.

Take a break pal. You’re embarrassing yourself now.

all you are shredding is that claim to be the mostest cleverest bestest boy ever ever.

Did your mother not love ya enough?

This lad…

Racist ill bred scum with notions.

He would never want to run into me. And he knows it. Hence the bluster.

A kango snowflake is some descent.

Tis all so very very funny.

What is that line about sausages?

What happens to kango snowflakes when they hit the pan?

Keep digging Ian.

I wonder what the link is between writers and psychopaths?

Keep making a complete tool of yourself. The cod psychology! Bravo!

Tis really funny seeing the toxic right show what they are, childish poisonous snobs in search of a personality alibi.

It terribly bugs you that I am so galactically more intelligent than you, which is ever amusing But it really should not, statistically. Nearly everyone is far more intelligent than you.

But genetic luck, eh?

I can well imagine what your parents were like.

Sizzle… Sizz… Sz… S…

The public prodromal unfolds.

Deary me.


You really are an awful fuckwit.

Genetic ill luck, I guess. And the nurture of curtain twitchers and possession watchers (‘They had a carpet delivery van down there yesterday…’).

What are you trying to drag me into now?

Don’t know what I was thinking…I think I was still bewildered at your bizarre suggestion that I had been caught spoofing on the Internet

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Pubs are, literally, as safe as houses

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It’s fizzling out.


Not to drag your good self into anything but here is what happened:

– I posted a coolly argued article, which not one of the OIUTF loons has been able to contradict, about the massive fraud and grift that is going on in America over Covid-19. As I said to Princess Snowflake Kango the other day, his destiny in life is to make cynical grifters ever more wealthy.

– The loons cannot deal with truth and so go for the childish stuff about ‘leftism’. I am not given to any left wing stuff for the sake of it. Quite the opposite. I read up, on whatever issue, and I make up my own mind, through thinking. Unlike them, I have no pre programmed ideology or hatred to plump.

– Princess Kango Snowflake really gave away the childish game by deeming it racist to disagree with the bullshine of someone who happens to be black. Nay a matter to me if that person is brown, blue, yellow or polkadots. Shite talk is shite talk.

– I then posted a Guardian article about long Covid, which none of the loons can contradict, for all that such calm detail explodes their rigid world. Their perspective is swivel-eyed bonkers with over 18 months at this stage. Sing along now:

‘We’d like to teach the world to get
It’s just a flu
It’s just a flu
And the vulnerable – wink! –
And the vulnerable – wink! – are so very few.’

– The Kango Snowflake Party never had, do not have and never will have any solutions to offer. Today put this truth at its plainest. For the most part, with a few exceptions, they are deeply unpleasant nut jobs in search of a personality alibi via toxic right wing convictions. That craic is all they are, heel of cunt.

– I have probably shipped more personalized abuse here – without complaint – than anyone. So I make precisely zero apology for telling certain ladeens how much I despise them, and why, in pungent unsettling terms. That they are stupid? Genetic ill luck. That they are bad natured? Not so much.