Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I expect to be invincible

Did we do particularly poorly compared to other countries in the first wave though? That’s not my recollection.

Sure in the first wave we counted 800 deaths as covid without even a positive PCR.

They were presumed covid deaths. Varadker came out and admitted that last June or July on twitter.

It didnt ring any bells though.

Edit -

Just for the historical record, was it Open It Up TO Fuck or Open It Up THE Fuck?
Primary school kids will be making posters of it in years to come like Liberte Equalite Fraternite

We did yeah. We were 6 or 7th worst in Europe for deaths in the first wave. Ahead of us were the UK and Sweden that didn’t lockdown, Italy and Spain that reached the level of overwhelmed health systems, Belgium and I forget the other one of there was one.

Well the UK did lockdown but other than that I’ll take your word for it. Was that just a snapshot in time or was it at the end of the first wave? I would’ve thought that would be well known if we were one of the worst countries although I suppose the way our media has behaved in the last 18 months nothing would surprise me.

Based on death tolls which may not have been accurate as the article you linked above outlined

That was our position in Europe at the end of the first wave. The reason that was the perception (in my view) is that the media and much of Ireland only look at the UK and the USA, and we were smug out to be doing better than them.

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Every other country was counting deaths right and we were counting them wrong and that’s why it looks like we had more deaths than they did at the time? Doesn’t sound plausible does it?

Ireland relies on death notices in newspapers to count deaths.


So does @KinvarasPassion


Just had a look there and you are right Ireland were the 8th worst in the EU in May of last year. If you draw a line from Sweden to Italy there are 13 countries to the west of that line including Sweden and Italy and the 8 worst countries are in that 13 with Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal Germany and Luxembourg being the exceptions. Don’t know what that says really just thought it strange.

This is the same as you were saying at the time. Its not about counting them right or wrong, it’s about counting them differently. Not every country either.

Do you disagree with that part of the article you posted?

Again, that article arrives a long time later. Even if true it still remains that we did disproportionately badly earlier.

Anyway, I only posted it because I thought the headline would drive a few lads demented.

We didn’t do disproportionately badly, it was a much smaller subset at the time, with some very dubious reporting in the early days. The likes of Poland, Czechia etc weren’t reporting any deaths.


What proportion of our total deaths were in the first wave then?

I misread your original post so.

I don’t think anybody is arguing that we didn’t have more deaths in the first wave

So ye’re arguing that we didn’t do as bad relatively to the rest of the Europe as we ranked at the time becuse the rest of Europe was making up figures, or we were?

That’s less likely than we just did very badly, in my opinion.

We may learn in time, but the problem with look backs is I doubt they’ll periodise it.