Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

We are learning in time and it looks like we overstated our Covid deaths compared to how they were recorded elsewhere

Exactly, until countries were up and running with extensive PCR testing they had no reliable numbers. China stopped PCR testing in April 2020 and magically all their Covid deaths stopped.

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Its a shame we didnt follow them on that. We just mirrored their lockdowns and mask mandates instead.

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Nobody in the world had a lockdown like China. Lockdown there means you stay inside or take your chances in the gulag.

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Because they locked down hard on March 12th. The big deaths came from October 20 to March 21.

No, they couldn’t have done better, sure those foreign countries must just be making up numbers.

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Mick Clifford pulls hard on a few familiar faces.



Good piece, spot on.

“We have been lucky in that respect in the pandemic, with an array of independent voices like Luke O’Neill, epidemiology’s answer to rock ’n roll.”

Some load of shite that. Every one of them has been reading from the same script. The independent voices were silenced from the start


They won’t be happy with that.

Great to see ISAG still winding up the loons who have been wrong all along.

Although I did find very funny that @glasagusban chipped in too despite him consistently making the exact same point Ryan has, the one that’s noted in the article.

I see New Zealand have abandoned their Zero Covid approach

It was going so well they abandoned it

'Tis amazing how the pro-death loons on this forum always prefer pithy, sarcastic one liners to actual debate.

I suppose it’s easier to mask how wrong they’ve been all along that way.

What an absolutely stunning success New Zealand’s policies have been. :clap:

And the loons are still seething at it. :grinning:

JK makes, far more eloquently, the exact same point I made last year about risk.

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Where did he get his degree in immunology?


Log onto Twitter to find out.

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