Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Good man dumdum.

You’ll question every opinion that differs to your own. Twitter has plenty of crackpots to pat your dense back & ego.

JK got a Starred First in Intelligence Studies – and I am not talking espionage – as he just proved by being immune to heedless stupidity.

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I posted it up yesterday. He answered the question about ‘what would he know about it’. His answer was, correct, he knows nothing about it so he asked people that do.

That’s why he’s so successful. He has the humility to realise he doesn’t know everything and the collective is more important than the individual. The mentallers will obviously hate him because of it.

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Apologies for cutting across you… Have been immersed in a big piece of work…

Oh not at all. You’re likely to get more traction. I posted it on the Kult of Klopp thread.

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You can see why it’s been so easy to brainwash, subdue and terrify some fellas. All it takes is a nice simple analogy about a fella driving and him tanked. You can just imagine them sucking air through their teeth and gravely shaking their heads at the seriousness of it all.
You’d be wasting your time doing anything other than smiling sympathetically at the innocence of it all. Trying to crowbar the image out of their head would be pointless, You’d actually need a kango


Any chance you might be able to translate that for us?

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OK. Don’t be drinking and driving mike. “Why not, Glenshane” I hear you gulder.
Well it’s like this mike. A drunk lad careering down the road at 70 mph killing all round him is a bit like a lad who listens to a wide range of informed opinions and makes a responsible decision based on a variety of factors
Does that help you understand the nature of drink driving?

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That’s actually worse than your original post.

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It’s fascinating how

(i) impressed lads are at the intelligence of anybody who espouses a position that they agree with and

(Ii) how the same lads will rubbish as not an expert anybody who articulates a position they don’t agree with

They must find themselves nodding along at (i) and shaking their heads at (ii)


There’s only so much I can do for you mike

Absolutely, the lads who enquire as to the qualifications in immunology etc aren’t slow to post up the opinions of crackpots who fall on their side of the debate.


Jurgen Klopp should stick to football matters.

Embarassing to be coming out with that bullshit analogy.


Contrary to what you claim, the CDC and the “moron” football manager, who is in fact a highly intelligent individual - far more intelligent and infinitely more persuasive than yourself - are saying the exact same thing.

They’re saying “get vaccinated”.

May I also note that the CDC is the same organisation you’ve been trying to vilify for the past year and more.

No. They’re not falling in, they just keep leaping in on purpose just to show how they won’t be told not to leap into holes.

The plot thickens. Interesting there was no uptick in purchases from hospitals so their CDC were worried about a virus before it started to spread in Wuhan. I wonder what they knew?


The scary thing is you have lads that believe they are safe from Covid because they are vaccinated and are now behaving irresponsibly, drinking in bars and traveling out of the country to visit friends. What will it take to reach these people, as not alone are they vulnerable themselves but they are also a danger to others. Unlike professional athletes like Mo Saleh for whom Covid is a nothingburger and who are unlikely to ever have enough visus to infect anyone else, these out of shape simpletons are highly highly to get seriously ill and be a threat to society.

You would think @flattythehurdler’s experience would have sobered them up. An athlete in his prime who regularly swims Galway Bay while under attack from Man o’ War jellyfish was laid low for a week with Covid, after being double jabbed.

Listen up morons. 1. Get vaccinated. 2. Do not assume you are safe, if you behave irresponsibly and act like Brendan Behan in a brothel you will get infected and you will infect others.

Assuming you’re not vaccinated, how much protection would you get from adequate vitamin d, c, zinc, magnesium etc? With a few squirts of ivermectin on standby just in case?