Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You’d need the tinfoil hat as well.


You’d probably need a meme as well.
Are you rolling the dice for your young lads?

They’ve all had it and they made their own decisions about it.

They’re much safer now…tinfoil hat etc

Did your missus not tell you to go and get your own shot yet?

So who is left unvaccinated on TFK? Are we talking 3 or 4 lads?

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That’s nearly 40% of posters

I only have ex missuses…did your missus tell you to decide to get your shot ?

Can I stop you right there


He didn’t say prime of what mind you

No I decided myself. For the common good etc.

I see, not for your own good…but in the belief that etc. Very noble of you to allow your kids to roll the dice…for the notion of common good etc

Nasty post.

The one about the missus? Didn’t bother me tbh

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May God have mercy on your wicked soul.

All in the game bro

Are you fully vaccinated?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I had to get vaccinated or else they wouldn’t return my son.

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How many shots are we talking about here? @anon67715551 and yourself should be on your third shot by now?

I believe @dodgy_keeper was the first man vaccinated on the forum